Hello LibreELEC Team,
I hope I didn't overlook topics according the DACBerry 400 and even posted at the right place. English isn't my native language so please forgive any mistake.
I have a Raspberry Pi 400 with 4GB RAM. I bought it last November and without thinking twice i bought the DACBerry 400 with it. There is no support at all and even the praised support for LibreELEC, OSMC, RaspiOS etc is meh. Meanwhile they added the source code of their driver on github. Look here
Can you please add driver support for this sound card? I am not able to compile it myself. I made it once in February with the Kernel source from Raspi OS. I was able to add the TI codec via menuconfig and so on. I think it was for kernel 5.10.103-v8+. My setting was a RaspiOS Bullseye lite version with Kodi GBM build. The build that came with Bullseye. My kernel is aarch64 and userland arm.
I have no clue how to add modules for LibreELEC. I cloned the 10.0.2 source from github, but no menuconfig in the make file. No clue how to patch the kernel, even if I read tons of articles. I don't even know how to get kernel 5.10.95... i tried branch rpi-5.10.y. Then I tried to download this package cause i read it here.
I'm not sure which sources to use. I'm a total noob to Linux and Github. I have some basic knowledge of programming from the early 2000s
perhaps, it's not enough.