Posts by boomerang

    I ran netstat -nltp and found there were a few ports open like : 111 and 36666 that I was not expecting.

    I was able to close port 111 by masking rpcbind.service and rpcbind.socket but I can't seems to figure out how to disable port 36666.

    netstat -nltp output:

    tcp        0      0 :::36666                :::*                    LISTEN      1281/kodi.bin

    ps aux output:

     1281 root      1d11 /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin --standalone -fs

    Can someone share how can I close this?


    I am on a clean setup of LE 10.0.3: (LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-10.0.3.img.gz) on RPi 4 2GB. Over it I installed LinuxServer Portainer(as a docker container) through the add-ons UI. Through this Portainer service UI, I created a few containers and stacks.

    I also have 2 external 3.0 HDDs(500GB, 1TB) connected to the RPi, which are mounted/shared in the docker containers. Everything works fine initially, but over a longer run(>12 hrs), the HDD "I think" are being remounted. The mount points would change for an NTFS drive so I reformatted the drive as ext4. Since then the mount points have been consistent. But now when such remounts happen, it causes the docker container to see empty mounts until the containers are restarted. Outside the containers, I can explore the external drives without any difficulty.

    Is there a way to find whats happening? Or is there a way to prevent such remounts. Is this a known issue?

    Power Supply: 5.1v 3A

    PS: Is this the right sub forum? If not please let me know the appropriate one.


    Starting afresh with 10.0.2 on Raspberry Pi 4. Video shows rainbow gradient splash screen and then goes blank then to no output. Bootloops every 5 mins and repeats. I tried the same with 9.2.8 and everything worked well with that version.

    Does anyone know whats wrong here? Seems like a major flaw for a new release.