Posts by rasser
I was referred to this thread from post168598. My RPI has since then been upgraded to first 10.0.2, and later 10.0.3, but the problem still exists. After boot, wired network is disabled. It can be enabled from the LibreElec-config menu inside Kodi, but at the next boot, the config is lost again.
I have checked connmanctl, where ~/.cache/connman/settings has this content:
Display More[global] OfflineMode=true [Wired] Enable=true Tethering=false [WiFi] Enable=false Tethering=false [P2P] Enable=false Tethering=false
and ~/.cache/connman/ethernet_b827ebdcb5b8_cable has this content:
Display More[ethernet_b827ebdcb5b8_cable] Name=Wired AutoConnect=true Modified=2021-02-02T17:53:26Z IPv4.method=dhcp IPv4.DHCP.LastAddress=192.16[correct IP-address] IPv6.method=off IPv6.privacy=disabled Nameservers=192.16[another correct address];;;; Domains=erx.local;
I can also change the AutoConnect from the command line,
BR /Rasser
I have a similar problem. My RPI3 is connected using cabled Ethernet. A WiFi-connection was also configured, but disabled in the LibreElec settings in the Kodi GUI. The cabled connection is my preference, because the WiFi connection is unstable where the RPI3 is placed.
After upgrading to LibreElec 10, it started with WiFi enabled and Cable disabled. I could change the setting in the GUI, but after reboot WiFi was active again. I have managed to completely disable WiFi in /storage/.config/connman_mail.conf:
CodePreferredTechnologies = ethernet DefaultAutoConnectTechnologies = ethernet SingleConnectedTechnology = true
but the cabled connection still doesn't start when the RPI3 is booted. Kodi waits a while for the network, times out, and starts without network. Then I can easily enable the cabled connection from the GUI. But after the next boot, it disables again.
Thanks in advance