Hey tarrok,
i tried your approach from GitHub and updated all files, but I still get the same kernel panic as mentioned in Post #3.
I also uploaded the changes to GitHub to make a PR in the future. My changes can be found here: https://github.com/ThomasMarangon…/libreelec_12.x
Do you have any idea what I did wrong?
Posts by DasChaos
thanks for the answer, do you know how the plugin is called?
I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with the latest staböe version of LibreELEC and a Steam Controller. This Controller is connected with the USB receiver to the raspberry pi.
When turning on the controller it makes its sound and also lights up. Then I can navigate for a few seconds with it. After that, it isn't possible to navigate anymore. I have to turn the controller off and on again multiple times until I'm able to navigate over a longer time. The Steam Controller works normally on my Linux PC and on RasperryOS with Kodi installed.
Does anyone have a clue or a hint about what the issue can be?
This line [script.module.inputstreamhelper] File libwidevinecdm.so not found in the ChromeOS image says all about it.
Try installing Widevine from alternative sources like the SlyGuy Common addon.
Thanks for you answer, but it didn't help because some apps require inputstreamer and SlyGuy can't be used.
This is a known issue in inpuptstreamhelper, see here https://github.com/emilsvennesson…lper/issues/511 - comments in the issue also contain a workaround
so long,
This worked, for everyone:
I opened the file /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.inputstreamhelper/lib/inputstreamhelper/widevine/arm_chromeos.py and replaced line 96 withthen everything worked as expected.
Thank you all for your help -
I installed LibreELEC on my Raspberry Pi 4 today. When trying to install widevine with InputStream Adaptive it is aborting with an error after downloading.
The log is showing this:Code2022-04-09 17:56:03.309 T:1513 WARNING <general>: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] Downloading ChromeOS image for Widevine: BOB (14526.57.0) 2022-04-09 17:56:03.475 T:1259 INFO <general>: Loading skin file: DialogConfirm.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY 2022-04-09 17:58:46.190 T:1513 FATAL <general>: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] File libwidevinecdm.so not found in the ChromeOS image 2022-04-09 17:58:46.191 T:1513 FATAL <general>: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] Extracting widevine from the zip failed! 2022-04-09 17:58:46.229 T:1513 WARNING <general>: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] Recursively create directory '/storage/.kodi/cdm/'. 2022-04-09 17:58:46.232 T:1513 ERROR <general>: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] Widevine CDM is not installed. 2022-04-09 17:58:46.938 T:1513 INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(17, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.inputstreamhelper/default.py): script successfully run 2022-04-09 17:58:47.478 T:1513 INFO <general>: Python interpreter stopped
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to fix it?