Posts by VectorQuant

    Sorry if I did not answer your question exactly. I have never used an addon to install pihole because it is very easy to run this SSH command once that does the same thing:

    I tried this but was getting below error:

    docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?. 

    See 'docker run --help'.

    But managed to find the solution by following below link and then running modified code also mentioned below:

    1. Follow the initial part of this guide:…ome-Server.html

    Summary of what to do:

    (I) SSH to your LibreElec.

    (II) edit the /storage/.kodi/addons/service.system.docker/system.d/service.system.docker.service file and add -H tcp:// to the docker daemon call. The file will look something like this

    ExecStart=/storage/.kodi/addons/service.system.docker/bin/dockerd -H tcp:// --exec-opt native.cgroupdriver=systemd \                                                                  --log-driver=journald \                                                                  --group=root \                                                                  $DOCKER_DAEMON_OPTS \                                                                  $DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTS

    (III) Reboot and check by running below command:

    docker -H run hello-world

    2.After this run modified code as below:

    docker -H run \  

    > --name=80-pihole \  

    > --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \  

    > -e TZ=Europe/London \  

    > -v /storage/.config/dockers/pihole/etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d \  

    > -v /storage/.config/dockers/pihole/etc-pihole:/etc/pihole \  

    > -p 80:80/tcp \  

    > -p 53:53/tcp \  

    > -p 53:53/udp \  

    > -p 67:67/udp \  

    > -p 443:443/tcp \  

    > --restart=unless-stopped \  

    > -d pihole/pihole

    Unable to find image 'pihole/pihole:latest' locally

    latest: Pulling from pihole/pihole

    5e5e708ee1f9: Pull complete

    18e864d5b529: Pull complete

    4f4fb700ef54: Pull complete

    99da377af4ef: Pull complete

    762a48762b21: Pull complete

    aad4d858aa80: Pull complete

    728c4834d05e: Pull complete

    81310dda8cb0: Pull complete

    9509a272df5c: Pull complete

    Digest: sha256:7ca50487539eb222c2e989ceba361e8b733bbd51ec8c01db56f7bd81b5ae370b

    Status: Downloaded newer image for pihole/pihole:latest


    For setting the password, I used below command:

    docker -H exec -it 80-pihole pihole -a -p 

    Enter New Password (Blank for no password):