Posts by hkall

    I'm currently struggling with a HK1 X4S TV Box (Amlogic S905X4-based), maybe somebody has an idea.

    Using a serial console (speed 921600) I was able to wipe the Android on eMMC and get a u-boot prompt.

    I can load FDT and kernel image from sdcard, but using booti/bootm the system hangs after just printing "starting kernel ...".

    I tried the different typical load addresses, but nothing helped so far.

    I'm running out of ideas why I don't see at least a few lines of earlyprintk console output from the starting kernel.

    (kernel is self-compiled, works perfectly fine on a S905W-based TX3 Mini)

    It seems that the system always uses an own u-boot (don't know exactly where it's stored),

    even if I use an image with a different u-boot. Maybe it expects u-boot at different lba's.

    As reference I attach the u-boot log. Thanks.

    On a side note: Amlogic usb/flash tool doesn't work with this SoC version. With the toothpick reset it reports the expected USB device, but the reported product id is c004, and the available usb/flash tools work with product id c003 only. Even after faking the product id with a kernel hack it didn't work. Maybe the protocol changed.