Posts by jhspyhard

    [RPi5 and LibreELEC 11.0.5; RPi5 <--HDMI--> AVR <--HDMI--> TV ]

    Followed the guide at, with an active Video / Audio stream to my TV:

    RaspyMedia:~ # getedid
    /usr/bin/getedid create|delete|help
    RaspyMedia:~ # getedid create
    successfully installed edid override for HDMI-A-1
    RaspyMedia:~ #

    I've run the above block of code. However, if I turn my TV or AVR off and then back on, the TV still gets no signal until I either systemctl restart kodi, or switch my TV's input to another device and then switch it back to Kodi.

    Is there something else besides running the getedid create that needs to be done? I did notice that this guide says that it should automatically reboot the device after running this command -- the script doesn't do that. [Already tried disabling the CEC peripheral in Kodi]

    After a manual reboot of LibreElec, I do see some log messages that suggest that the changes took, however it doesn't seem to be matter when I restart my TV/AVR as no signal makes it through.

    RaspyMedia:~ # journalctl -n 1000 | grep drm
    Jan 26 16:53:44 LibreELEC kernel: Kernel command line: reboot=w coherent_pool=1M 8250.nr_uarts=1 pci=pcie_bus_safe snd_bcm2835.enable_compat_alsa=0 snd_bcm2835.enable_hdmi=1  smsc95xx.macaddr=D8:3A:DD:E9:DF:ED vc_mem.mem_base=0x3fc00000 vc_mem.mem_size=0x40000000  boot=UUID=1101-3753 disk=UUID=d53f5147-210b-4710-9dc9-c2379f260f6c quiet console=ttyAMA10,115200 console=tty0 drm.edid_firmware=HDMI-A-1:edid/edid-HDMI-A-1.bin video=HDMI-A-1:D
    Jan 26 16:53:44 LibreELEC kernel: [drm] forcing HDMI-A-1 connector on
    Jan 26 16:53:44 LibreELEC kernel: [drm] Got external EDID base block and 1 extension from "edid/edid-HDMI-A-1.bin" for connector "HDMI-A-1"

    Anyone have suggestions for other things to try here to get my HDMI-A-1 interface to automatically come up when I turn on my TV/AVR?

    I have enabled TLS/SSL on my LibreELEC Kodi with a short lived (<24h) cert. After about 16 hours, the cert is automatically renewed by a custom systemctl service. Previously, I had been hoping that a renewed cert would just be automatically picked up by the Kodi web server. As it turned out, it isn't.

    I saw that restarting the kodi service with systemctl restart kodi.service did work to pick up the new cert, but it had the side effect of killing the Kodi UI and if you were in the middle of watching something, it would boot you back to the home screen. That isn't optimal.

    The behavior that I would really like to have is to restart maybe just the web server component of Kodi in order to pick up the new cert, without restarting the full kodi service, such that any media being watched would continue uninterrupted. Any one know how to do that?

    I installed the virtual.system-tools add-on to be able to use jq json parsing as part of a systemctl service for my LibreELEC Kodi version living on a Raspberry Pi.

    I am able to execute the jq command from my SSH shell. However, I am getting what looks to be an issue finding an associated library file, when I try to execute the same command as part of a systemctl service.

    ; ExecStartPre checks if the certificate is ready for renewal, based on the exit status of the command.
    ; Check to see if cert is more than 66% to expiration, (24h * 0.66% = 16h) and if it is, and if so, renew it.
    ExecStartPre= /usr/bin/env bash -c \
      '/storage/bin/step certificate inspect /storage/.kodi/userdata/server.pem --format json --roots "/storage/.step/certs/root_ca.crt" | \
            /storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.system-tools/bin/jq -e "(((.validity.start | fromdate) + \
                ((.validity.end | fromdate) - (.validity.start | fromdate)) * 0.66) - now) \
                <= 0" > /dev/null'

    The relevant systemctl status error for my service:

    Mar 11 12:14:48 RaspyMedia env[3190]: /storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.system-tools/bin/jq: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    I found this thread discussing what looks to be this exact problem.…-9-0-111/3499/6

    However, when I prefixed /etc/profile;  to myExecStartPre's jq command, I got permission denied errors.

    Mar 11 12:14:48 RaspyMedia env[3188]: bash: /etc/profile: Permission denied

    Sudo is obviously no help here as such a thing doesn't exist in LibreELEC for the Pi.

    I'd really appreciate some help if anyone has any ideas on what I can change to make this work.