Posts by ccar

    Hi all,

    I have a Rock PI 4B, and I've got great 4K video playback with LE 10.0.1, so thanks a lot for that! Unfortunately I wasn't able to achieve good video playback in any other distro that I tried. In an attempt to have good video playback in another distro, I began looking into LibreELEC repo to see what magic is being done.

    I noticed that LE relies heavily on patches and uses very specific versions of packages. I started by downloading the version of FFmpeg specified in the file, applied the relevant ffmpeg patches but wasn't able to finish the compilation because in my setup I didn't have the patches that LE applies to linux itself (and these involve crucial components like rkvdec, hantro, rockchip DRM, etc).

    So my question is: Would it be possible for me to get all these needed patches applied in another distro (like armbian, dietpi or manjaro-arm)? How? Is there a tool could I use for that?

    Thank you!