Hello, I've been searching for info on how to resolve my black monitor-problem.
When I activate my TV, LG 9500 via HDMI to my Intel NUC 7i5BNB, I get the botupsequence and then Libreelec bots fine with picture and all.
If I turn on the Libreelec before the TV I get no signal. Which I understand is based on that Libreelec queries the active monitor and uses the EDID-response.
So I ventured into getedid-territory as described in several posts on the net.
When I SSH in and run Getedid create it dutifully with no reported errors reboots but the screen is black, I SSH in again and getedid delete, which restores functionality.
When I dig into the matter it seems my EDID for my intel are stored under :
LibreELEC:~ # find /sys -name "edid"
With DP-1 as active on current Monitor/TV
tail /sys/class/drm/*/status
==> /sys/class/drm/card0-DP-1/status <== connected
==> /sys/class/drm/card0-DP-2/status <==disconnected
==> /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/status <==disconnected
In getedid-script Github Getedid
it states:
cat "/sys/class/drm/$card/edid" > /tmp/cpio/lib/firmware/edid/edid.bin
When looking there I get:
LibreELEC:/sys/class/drm # ls
card0 card0-DP-2 renderD128 version card0-DP-1 card0-HDMI-A-1 ttm
And when I enter card0-DP-1
I get dumped back in sys/devices (Symlink?)
LibreELEC:/sys/class/drm # cd card0-DP-1
LibreELEC:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card0/card0-DP-1 # ls
device drm_dp_aux0 enabled modes status uevent
dpms edid i2c-3 power subsystem
Could this be why it fails to extract the relevant EDID?
Or is the TV not responding adequately to the requests, I read that EDID could get corrupted.
Would appreciate some guidance on how to proceed since I believe the solution is within my hand.
(I'm no Linux-wiz as is patently obvious.)
Also would it be possible to integrate some sort of EDID-management inside LibreElec to make life easier? Apart from adding the SSH-script.