Posts by kitn9

    I installed LE on an external USB and ran it on the same drive. I am using an HP Omen with AMD CPU and Nvidia 1650 Ti. Initially, there was an issue with the XORG server and I fixed it after rebooting the system continuously. Then I ran the touch /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/96-nvidia.rules command using SSH to fix this issue.

    However, when I connect an external monitor the display output is not detecting the HDMI. I ran the xrandr | pastebinit command and the output is attached below.
    Is this happening because my AMD Cpu cant export to an external display or something with my LE setup ?( ?

    PS: I am using LE because the KODI on my windows is exporting buggy 4k video :( . I am guessing it is an issue with my Nvidia GPU.