Posts by larand54


    For a few months ago I installed libreElec, (9.2.8) Build Kodi 18.9(18.9.0) compiled 2021-07-06, on a PI3-B.

    Every essential thing works ok, connected a hard drive with music that I can play and listen to using BLUETOOTH.

    Internet connection also works but the clock always starts from 2019-04-11 18:28 and will never be corrected.

    I have tried with some different ntp-servers but nothing happens.

    SSH doesn't work, can not install any "Add ons". Tried to upload logs but that also fails.

    As I'm not able to check how the system works (no SSH) I have no idea what's wrong cause of the lack of information.

    I also tried to make a new install on a separate ssd-card but the result is the same.


    Any help would be appreciated.