Posts by _marklam_

    I've just checked it, and can confirm it does make the 7.1 files play back with the two separate rear speakers as expected

    Thanks chewitt and HarryH for the work & help!

    The only thing to note, which may be expected, is that playing the 6.1 test file illuminates the amp's indicatators for the two rears, not the rear centre. It's not a problem (on my setup) though because the 'rear center' announcement is played through both rear speakers as I'd expect.


    I have seen in the manual of the amplifier, that it supports different speaker schemes. How many and which type of speakers do you have? Maybe you should ensure to set it to 3/4.1 and try it again.

    I've got 3 front speakers, subwoofer, 2 side rear and 2 back rear. The speaker pattern was already set to 3/4.1

    Hopefully you're able to reproduce the problem. When I try those test files I get the following problems:

    • 7.1 is played as 6.1
    • I'm not sure the speaker assignments are right beyond 5.1
    • When going between files, the output layout only changes when a new speaker is addressed (mid-file, not at the start of the file). eg Play the 5.0 test and automatically advance to 5.1, and it continues with a 5.0 layout until the subwoofer part of the file, then the layout changes. This is true with output format optimized or best match. (Fixed uses 6.1 for everything)

    I have a Sony STR-DH520 amp, and the Raspberry PI only ever sends 6.1 sound when using LPCM.

    6.1 shows an indicator of a channel in the middle rear, instead of within the two speaker indicators for left/right at the read.

    The amp can receive 7.1 LPCM from a Blu-Ray player (set to send LPCM not DTS /DD etc) - all the speaker indicators light up. Passthrough of 7.1 TrueHD from the PI also works.

    I'm sure that once upon a time 7.1 LPCM used to work from the PI.

    It's quite possibly down the the Raspberry PI OS - this also happens with the speaker-test from the command line, and also from an install of OSMC, but I'd appreciate any help with either configuration or directions to the correct place to report it.

    Many thanks for any help anyone can offer.