I got a SD Card and installed a few images on it. With the SD card inserted, when the box starts it just 'gets stuck' and doesn't send any signal to the tv.
Any further advice would be greatly appreciated.
I got a SD Card and installed a few images on it. With the SD card inserted, when the box starts it just 'gets stuck' and doesn't send any signal to the tv.
Any further advice would be greatly appreciated.
USB won't help you, Allwinner chips don't support USB mass storage as boot medium. Burn image on SD card, that always works.
Note: Above board has few unique or less used features. NAND storage is not supported, you'll have to use SD card for booting. It has also many USB ports. I'm not sure if any existing image will support them all.
Thanks so much!
I am trying to install LibreELEC on a MXQ Pro Android TV Box which was mislabeled and sold to me as having much higher specifications.
After opening the box I can confirm that the board number is QL2039 - Q44_V4.0_20200602 (picture attached) and after pursuing this information I see that it is an Allwinner H3 processor.
I have tried installing the Libretech H3 and Beelink X2 software onto a USB using the LibreELEC creator.
When I place it in the usb port on the box and run reboot update as suggested it just boots back into android. When I run reboot recovery it boots into the recovery and I am able to select install from external storage where it shows the folders of the drive but no contents. I also noticed that on the drive the files are named SYSTEM and KERNEL and not SYSTEM.img and KERNEL.img.
I am not sure where I am going wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated!