Hi Everyone!
I recently came across a RK3328 Device. I wanted to try to dump or flash a new firmware but i failed..
Im pretty new to the RK scene so i would like to get some help from you guys ^^.
I am able to connect the device in MASK ROM MODE to my Computer (Linux and Windows available).
Linux with rkdeveloptool:
DevNo=1 Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x320c,LocationID=101 Maskrom
rkdeveloptool ppt
Creating Comm Object failed!
Creating Comm Object failed!
Not found any partition table!
rkdeveloptool rl
Parameter of [RL] command is invalid, please check help!
rkdeveloptool rcb
Read capability quit, creating comm object failed!
So it looks like the device is beeing recoginzed but im doing something wrong..
First of all it would be cool to dump the Firmware to have an backup of the device.
Some help would be great! Thanks id advance!