Posts by lsthwy

    The NAS is using Raspberry Pi OS Lite (buster) on Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4

    I've copied the output of /var/log/dpkg.log here, 2021-11-22 is the date the issue started -- so I suspect it was something that was updated then.

    /mnt is shared along with the sub-directories just because on my laptop the sub-directories listed above are mounted in fstab to various places within my home folder, but sometimes I want to mount /mnt to access some of the other folders under that directory that aren't mounted on start up.

    Hey there,

    I'm using LE 10.0.0 on a Raspberry Pi 4.
    I had previously no issues with setting up my NAS shares to connect to Kodi.

    However, the other day I moved my NAS (also a Pi4, running Raspbian) to a new room in the house and I decided to give it an update.

    I'm not sure if it was the update or something went weird when moving it, but now none of my devices were able to see my NAS anymore.

    After a lot of messing around the solution seemed to be updating my fstab entries on my other computers in the house to no longer include the mount root folder. ie. nas:/videos instead of nas:/mnt/videos

    I expected to head over to Kodi and have to remove the root folder also. But no luck. Either way I try Kodi still is unable to find the shared folder.
    I've followed the instructions here:

    My exports on my NAS are set up as such:

    /mnt                    *(rw,sync,crossmnt,fsid=0)
    /mnt/music              *(rw,sync,insecure)
    /mnt/videos             *(rw,sync,insecure)
    /mnt/documents          *(rw,sync,insecure)
    /mnt/pictures           *(rw,sync,insecure)

    I've also edited the mediasources.xml file on my Kodi machine to explicitly point to the IP address of my NAS, but this also doesn't seem to be working.

    If anyone can give me some hints on where to turn next that would be great.. I'm still quite puzzled as to what's changed/gone wrong here so not quite sure where to troubleshoot next.