Posts by vanja

    wow, amazing, that was my symptoms :)

    Actual Behavior

    Audio channels FL RR are silent.
    Multi channel audio files work as expected.
    Stereo upmix of stereo files could have the wrong channel mapping where two channels are now silent.

    I still don't quite understand this:

    Why is everything working fine with stereo upmix disabled? I still have the sound copied to the RR && RL && Center.

    Shouldn't the behaviour without stereo upmix enabled be that you have just the stereo, FL && FR and maybe subwoofer?

    What is the point of stereo upmix then?

    oops, it seems "stereo upmix" is the culprit.

    I return the settings back to 5.1, front left and rear right are not playing music again, i disable stereo upmix, all speakers work

    I'll mark it as solved again :)

    EDIT: Though I still don't understand what the hell is going on, as per the description of "stereo upmix", he should be doing the exact opposite of what is doing to me. It should upmix stereo to all speakers from the channel configuration, but somehow it removes 2 speakers out of the game. With stereo upmix disabled, all 5.1 configured speakers work. In my system it seems the button to switch off stereo upmix actually switches on stereo upmix :)

    it was working for years with configuration 5.1 and all speakers were working...until yesterday

    when I was watching movies with or without passthrough, I clearly had surround working properly (some sounds audible only on the rear speakers etc) but now with this downgrade I will probably have all sounds on all speakers.

    OK for music, sucks for movies

    EDIT: OK, I tested a movie with a passthrough audio, surround works correctly.

    What is the point of kodi channel configuration then? It affects what exactly?

    I think I can live with it, even though I don't understand why it suddenly stopped working, then got fixed by connecting to the second hdmi port of the pc, then got broken again by changing to bluetooth and back..

    This is actually not solved, it happened again after I switched the audio output to bluetooth and back to HDMI.

    So now I have to go through the entire dance again, replug the HDMI, delete EDID and reboot

    and this will happend everytime I switch to other audio output, so it seems I will have to give up on ocassionally using bluetooth speaker.

    maybe its related to this nasty bluetooth bug I have

    LE12 bluetooth errors - Bug Reports - LibreELEC Forum


    Recently I migrated from some old Intel Celeron to HP EliteDesk G3 (so, staying faithful to Generic_x64).

    Also, I recently upgraded to LE12.

    I cannot pinpoint in what moment:

    I lost audio passthrough settings (expert is enabled)

    I lost sound from front left and back right speakers when playing music or videos (stereo upmix enabled).

    So effectively Kodi has crippled my audio system, and I am not using half of my speakers...if I switch to other input then Kodi, all speakers work.

    Machine has DisplayPort not HDMI, so I am using DP to HDMI cable to connect it to the AVR directly. TV is then connected to AVR. I feel this has been working before on this machine but with LE11.

    what have i tried so far:

    - Fiddle with audio setting and set it to random channels like 7.1. I can hear the previously non working (FL and BR) speakers working, but then others are not working.

    - Reboot the machine with TV off, then kodi audio settings report hdmi0 on sony avr

    - Reboot with TV on, then kodi reports LG TV on hdmi0 as audio output.

    - getedid create, delete...

    - toggle ARC on tv (on/off)

    - toggle hdmi control and return audio via hdmi settings on AVR

    Any thoughts on what could be the case?


    since the upgrade to LE12, (I'm on Generic x86 image, running on HP Elitedesk G3 800 Micro) i get this occasionally in my log:

    (there is no problem with the bluetooth, it actually works, but I keep getting this ugly exception in the log)

    External Content
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.


    I have the same problem with IPTV simple addon (not sure how to check what are my provider streams, FFMPEG or what) but exactly the same behaviour, since upgrade to LE12

    2024-06-11 00:48:32.054 T:3234     info <general>: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder aac
    2024-06-11 00:48:33.575 T:3234     info <general>: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled
    2024-06-11 00:48:38.585 T:3236     info <general>: Skipped 1 duplicate messages..
    2024-06-11 00:48:38.585 T:3236  warning <general>: OutputPicture - timeout waiting for buffer
    2024-06-11 00:48:41.886 T:2935     info <general>: JSONRPC Server: New connection added
    2024-06-11 00:48:41.887 T:2935     info <general>: WebSocket: missing Sec-WebSocket-Version
    2024-06-11 00:48:44.300 T:3234     info <general>: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled
    2024-06-11 00:48:46.885 T:2935     info <general>: JSONRPC Server: Disconnection detected
    2024-06-11 00:48:47.361 T:3234     info <general>: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled

    Under /storage/.config/system.d/

    i have:

    service.system.docker.service -> /storage/.kodi/addons/service.system.docker//system.d/service.system.docker.service


    docker.service -> /storage/.kodi/addons/service.system.docker//system.d/service.system.docker.service

    if I delete any of them, it gets recreated after some time.

    By what? is docker addon responsible for adding links here?

    true, not libre elec problem, but it seems its kodi problem..

    yatse developer claims something is broken in kodi after I uploaded him yatse log

    Problem with favorites - Support - Yatse community

    I could probably save it as local favorite of yatse instance for every phone I'm using and every kodi I'm using, but the problem I have is that yatse is not the only thing failing, I am using openhab (smart home platform) that uses the same api as yatse, and fails on the same thing (cannot run some stuff from favorites, like pvr channels, xsp playlists, scripts...)

    if you remember me from the other thread, we managed with some workarounds and scripting...

    but I cannot keep writing scripts and rules for every new playlist or tv channel that I want to execute remotely, so I really hope team kodi will fix the api side...


    when I add a channel from simple IPTV client to the kodi favorites and try to run it from there, it doesnt work

    2023-06-08 08:25:41.367 T:2267102 info <general>: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: pvr://channels/tv/All%20channels/[email protected]_1252440044.pvr

    2023-06-08 08:25:41.368 T:2267102 error <general>: GetChannel: Unsupported item type!

    2023-06-08 08:25:41.368 T:2271445 info <general>: Creating InputStream

    2023-06-08 08:25:41.407 T:2271445 error <general>: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [pvr://channels/tv/All%20channels/[email protected]_1252440044.pvr]

    2023-06-08 08:25:41.407 T:2271445 info <general>: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()

    2023-06-08 08:25:41.409 T:2271446 info <general>: Deleting settings information for files pvr://channels/tv/All%20channels/[email protected]_1252440044.pvr

    2023-06-08 08:25:41.507 T:2267102 info <general>: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()

    2023-06-08 08:25:41.507 T:2267102 info <general>: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit

    2023-06-08 08:25:41.507 T:2267102 info <general>: VideoPlayer: finished waiting

    2023-06-08 08:25:41.658 T:2267131 error <general>: EXCEPTION: Kodi is not playing any file

    when running it directly from the TV menu, works fine. this used to work before, not sure when it started, maybe after upgrade to the latest kodi 20.1

    anyone has the same issue?

    this is on generic libre elec latest version