Posts by hybrisred

    Here is my Experience with Libreelec (Kodi Matrix) and the Argon Remote:

    Today my Argon One remote control arrived. I tried in vain for several hours to get it to work on Kodi Matrix 10.0.0. When trying to install the "" I kept getting the error message: Dependencies cannot be installed. Manually installing these dependencies was also unsuccessful. As a last resort, I deleted Matrix and installed Kodi 9.2.8. And what can I say, it works flawlessly there.

    I don't know why (I'm new to Raspberry and its software), but it actually seems that the remote control's "drivers" are not compatible with Matrix. Too bad.

    Maybe the people at Libreelec can somehow make it backwards compatible? What's a Kodi on Raspberry without a remote control that you can use to turn the Pi on and off?