Posts by flyer

    Dear Guys!

    I got the correct configuration for PulseAudio when playing from Kodi.

    I got also bluetooth audio running from bluetooth but with poor quality.

    On folder: /storage/.config/pulse-daemon.conf.d/

    I have the file daemon.conf with:

    resample-method = soxr-vhq
    avoid-resampling = true
    default-sample-format = s24le
    default-sample-rate = 44100
    alternate-sample-rate = 192000
    default-sample-channels = 2
    default-channel-map = front-left,front-right

    Running from Kodi resampling is working only if sample rate is lower 44100 and upper 192000, on the other case the resample is set automatically to "copy", and that's ok!

    But when running with bluetooth resampling is always active and method is "trivial" for Libreelec 9.2.8 and "speex-float 1" for libreelec 10.

    Is there a way to set dedicated conf for bluetooth?

    Ok now I am on PulseAudio now and trying to set correctly the quality with my DAC:

    I modify daemon.conf as follow:

    default-sample-format = s24le
    default-sample-rate = 44100
    alternate-sample-rate = 96000
    default-sample-channels = 2
    default-channel-map = front-left,front-right

    If I digit

    pactl info

    everything looks ok:

    but if I digit:

    pactl list sinks

    I have the following:

    Same for pact list sources where I have 32 bit.

    Why in the sinks the bit are 32 when I set 24 on the daemon.conf?

    Some other question:

    - How can I check in real time the bitrate running trough the source -> pulseaudio -> alsa to check the configuration?

    - Do I have to enable manually i2s bus?

    - If i understood well: default-sample-rate define the minimum bitrate (if less -> upsampling) while alternate-sample-rate is the maximum (if more -> downsampling). but if the final soundcard is setted to lower sample rate the final calculation will be another downsampling. Is it correct? How can I check if the driver are managing correctly my DAC (specs 24bit-192kHz)?

    Many question.... =O

    No, there's no failing and not failing log, the script failure was because of my fault, now I corrected the script and the post and that's the log without error (the problem was for some permission on

    The problem is that on KODI the audio device PI:HDMI is always selected at boot, if then I select manually PulseAudio everything is running correctly.

    I would like to have PA selected as default at boot.

    I have some issue with this load-module in

    I have with:

    pactl load-module module-udev-detect

    but the ALSA source/sinks is not correctly loaded I think because ALSA is not still loaded, some idea to solve it?

    One possible solution is sequencing activities on boot but I would like to find a leaner way...

    Not success, I removed everything from and I try to put command:

    load-module module-udev-detect

    on daemon.conf and also in in folder /storage/.config/

    What is really strange is that in the the "load-module module-udev-detect" should run.

    And at the end everything works correctly if I digit in ssh:

    systemctl stop kodi

    pactl load-module module-udev-detect

    systemctl start kodi

    ..... no idea....

    Found something that's the log:

    2021-10-11 00:43:24.736 T:1904210816 INFO: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "@"

    2021-10-11 00:43:24.742 T:1904210816 INFO: CAESinkALSA - Unable to open device "sysdefault" for playback

    2021-10-11 00:43:24.744 T:1904210816 INFO: CAESinkALSA - Unable to open device "default" for playback

    2021-10-11 00:43:24.744 T:1904210816 INFO: CAESinkALSA - ALSA: /var/lib/jenkins/LE/build4/workspace/RPi2/ Unknown PCM cards.pcm.front

    2021-10-11 00:43:24.744 T:1904210816 INFO: CAESinkALSA - Unable to open device "front" for playback

    2021-10-11 00:43:24.744 T:1904210816 ERROR: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - failed to initialize device "@"

    2021-10-11 00:43:24.745 T:1904210816 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device PI:HDMI

    it look that pulseaudio or the external DAC is not fully loaded when kodi starts.

    Is there a way to delay something in order to fix it?

    Dear guys,

    I am figthing with this and spending a lot of time. No success....

    I have libreelec running on rpi 3b+ with suptronics x5000 DAC-AMP.

    I have set up pulseaudio to get bluetooth audio from smartphone as explained this:

    Next step is sending auto through network to other libreelec player.

    To reconnect pulseaudio at startup I added to the following:

    pactl load-module module-udev-detect

    PulseAudio is running correctly but also if I select it as audio output device I have on reboot the output back to PI:HDMI

    I tried to solve also with audio profiles addon in order to "force" a profile at startup but no success.

    If then I select manually everything is running correctly.

    I tried also to put con config.txt


    Any idea?


    Thanks Chewitt,

    it's ok, if I change manually on each section the view is mantained, my idea was to set the first default view to InfoWall and do not have to change manually for each section

    in order to avoid read only of xml I have install a copy version of the skin with a different name in normal addons folder where I am able to modify the xml but still not working.

    Is there a way to solve it?

    Diego M.

    Dear everybody,

    quite new on this, I have Libreelec running on Rpi 3b+ with kodi leia 18.9.

    I tried to set the defaul view for video to InfoWall but without success.

    I tried to change the file MyVideoNav.xml but without success.

    I study how it works and I found strange that the file has many views available:


    but in Libreelec I have only 4.: 53,54,55,500.

    Can someone help me to understand how it works and how I can set the default view?

    Thanks in advance
