Posts by TedGrassman

    I have the exact same issue on my RPi4, with LibreELEC 10.0.0.

    On the wired connection, the "Connect automatically" option is off and switching it on (and saving!) wasn't working (when opening the settings again it was off).

    I found a way to fix it, but it does not answer why it cannot be fixed in the gui.

    I found a settings file in connman:

    it shows what I saw in the gui, AutoConnect=false. Changing that to AutoConnect=true and rebooting caused the network to connect with no issues and both the external DB and media is working as expected.

    I did notice the permissions are restrictive on the file, but that should not cause this issue. Is there something specific to my system that caused this or is this an error in the code?

    Tyr:~/.cache/connman/ethernet_e45f0101f147_cable # ls -ahl
    total 3K
    drwx------    2 root     root        1.0K Feb  2 09:40 .
    drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root        1.0K Feb  2 09:32 ..
    -rw-------    1 root     root         325 Feb  2 09:40 settings


    Thank you so much for this fix twinpeaksr! It worked like a charm!

    It was really frustrating to have to manually connect to the wired network at every reboot...