Hi there,
I use LibreElec on Rpi4b; I also use plexkodiconnect add-on and an rclone mounted drive to stream files directly from google instead of through my very slow upload speed server. Over the past few months, I've been having an issue where when watching a video, randomly the video will freeze but audio continues to play for several seconds; after about 3-5 seconds, the audio freezes as well, then Kodi appears to "buffer" and then playback resumes as normal. I have had the same LibreElec setup for the past year and this has only been happening for about 2 months. The location in the video that this happens is NOT reproducible; when I watch the same file at the time marker that the problem occurred, it plays normally. It also happens on many different formats/codecs (h264, h265, mkv, mp4, etc). I have already tried to increase video cache; current setting is:
I have attached a log where I finally recorded it. The freeze happened at 21:42:02.
Assistance as to the cause of this would be immensely appreciated!