Posts by gadget_guy

    In this post  JohnWayne111 listed the hardware he successfully used to implement an external frame-grabber for Hyperion/Ambilight. Its an Ezco splitter and a Mirabox capture device.

    Obviously the correct setup is to split the signal from LE, with one branch going to the TV, and one going to the capture card.

    But the Mirabox has an HDMI output that claims to be a seamless "passthrough" with no lag upto 4k@30hz.

    Is Mirabox exaggerating their claims? OR can I skip buying a splitter and go from LE -> Mirabox -> TV?

    well, I don't use a AVR, but I might have to get one...

    The composite-out method doesn't work. Well it does, but as far as I can tell when you enable composite out on the Rpi4 it disables the HDMI output. But watching blinky leds is not much fun when the tv screen is blank...

    Heres a thought. I am a little leary of using an HDMI splitter/grabber (cost, reports of picture quality degradation, interference with CEC and HDCP..).

    I am going to try enabling the composite video output on a Rpi4, and running that into a cheap composite-to-USB capture device (mostly because I have a bunch of them lying around).

    I will report my results.

    maybe this is an obvious question, but if you go with an external Frame Grabber, would you need to have the usb output connected to a separate RPi running Hyperion, or could you still run Hyperion on the same RPI as LE?

    I think my problem is solved. I disabled the CEC peripheral on both ORangePI 3 lts's, and neither has locked up over the last 7 days.

    previously each one was locking up once or twice a day. I had tried different cables, power supplies, nightly beta vs stable builds, etc, nothing worked. Until I disabled CEC. all good now.

    this is fine for now, because the flavor of CEC on both of those TV's never worked with Libreelec (not even with a RPI4). But I am curious if anyone out there is actually succesfully using CEC on a OPi3...

    Thanks, after doing "mount -o remount,rw /flash" and then removing "quiet" from extlinux.conf the uart does stay active after the kernel starts, but only for about 2 seconds.

    The last it displays is [ 2.303742] Run /init as init process and then the uart stops updating.

    The TV screen does however to continue to show the kernel messages, but only until the Kodi graphic pops up (and of course you can't save a log from the text on the tv screen...)

    I also had to change ttysl to ttys0.

    Thanks again!

    is to solder UART pins and connect serial adapter to it. With that, you can monitor kernel complaints real time

    Not sure about tanix, but on my OrangePI3 (same allwinner H6 SOC) LE seems to nerf the UART port. You see a few lines of text during the u-boot process, you get to the "Starting kernel ..." message and then thats the last thing you see come out the serial port.

    I assume something in the kernel params disables the UART? Any way around that?

    I have several Opi3LTs that lock up and need to be power cycled every couple days. Is there any built in software or hardware watchdogs in the H6 or in this SBC that can be enabled?

    I'm looking at building/buying some kind of external hardware based watchdog, but thought I should first check for an easier solution. Of course, ideally I can identify the root cause of the lockups, but thats a topic for another thread... I've been ruling out overheating, power supply and cabling issues, but no luck yet. I'm starting to think that the Opi3lts is so cheap for a reason.

    Everytime I change the system name under Settings>LibreELEC>System> it reverts back to default after a reboot.

    Another thread about this problem recommended also changing the name under Settings/Services/General/System. I tried that, and set the name the same in both locations, but the name still reverts (the name in Settings/Services/General/ doesnt revert, only the first one).

    fwiw the image i'm running is "LibreELEC-H6.aarch64-12.0-nightly-20230527-557e821-orangepi-3-lts".thanks.

    I can also confirm that the latest version of the Amazon VOD works (as long as you also install WideVine). But if you can excuse another mild hijack, I have a question for other users of it.

    Once I start an amazon video it plays fine. But navigating through the folders to browse whats available is so painfully sloooow. I have a fresh install with default settings, is there some setting i need to tweak to speed things up?

    I never used the addon before this latest outage, so I don't have any experience to compare it to (ie was it always this slow). Frustrating because Amazon Prime on the crappiest of barely-smart Tv is quick and responsive.