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Hi guys.
Please no make confusion.
The Certificate problem is on all versions of LibreELEC v7.90.004 ALPHA and next versions because these versions has inside the newest version of LibreSSL. These new versions of LibreSSL does not work with Certificate that will expire after year 2038 on 32 bit operating system (such as Raspberry Pi 2). It seems that LibreSSL does not want to solve this issue and it seems that also LibreELEC does not want to switch to OpenSSL (OpenSSL works fine also on 32 bit operating system, so OpenSSL is OK on Raspberry Pi).
So the problem is not Hide.me, is not IPVanish, is not VPNManager addon. The problem is only LibreSSL on 32 bit operating system.
Now you have various way to follow to solve the issue:
1. Contact your VPN "provider" and ask to have a new Certificate (CA) that will expire before 2038. Hide.me is "friendly" and I'm quite sure that will give you a new Certificate if you will explain the problem. So open a Support Ticket on Hide.me website.
2. Contact LibreELEC team to ask to use OpenSSL instead to use LibreSSL (see these my posts and later: LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 17.0))
3. Contact LibreSSL to ask to solve the issue (I think this is useless, see here: Year 2038 bug on LibreSSL 32bit regression between 2.2.x and 2.3.x · Issue #207 · libressl-portable/portable · GitHub)
4. Use a more old version of LibreELEC (version 7.0.2 works fine because it uses an old version of LibreSSL) or use OpenELEC 6.0.3 that uses OpenSSLActually I'm using LibreELEC version 7.0.2 with the last version of VPNManager addon made by zomboided and I can connect to Hide.me VPN without problems.
About Hide.me, there WAS a problem on routing table on OpenELEC / LibreELEC (VPN was connected but all traffic does not go via VPN) now solved since VPNManager addon version 1.9 ("redirect-gateway def1" option was added into VPNManager addon).
More info about my analysis on routing table for Hide.me see this my post: OpenELEC Mediacenter - OpenELEC Forum - VPN Manager for OpenVPN (38/63)
i understood your problem, but im telling you now, i switched from ipvanish to another vpn (they used a >2038 expiry date and couldnt change it) and it works again on LibreELEC v7.90.005 and on the latest kodi 17 millhouse alphas
i gathered some information about other vpn's if you want to leave hide.me
these are all in the openvpn manager:
vpn unlimited - openvpn cert valid until 2023
ibVPN - 2020
celo - every 2 years
AirVPN - 2024