Hi Chewitt,
many thanks for the reply ... Sure, i have restarted the box several times ... But it looks like that the Conf and Option_conf files are not used by the system, for whatever reason ...
As I said ... in the LIRC documents it's stated that i need to create the lirc.conf with the irrecord command and the irrecord command is running with a named "lirc driver". The Lirc driver is configured in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf ... which is not existing in the default libreelec installation but available (macmini and default)...
#lircd --driver=help
accent alsa_usb asusdh atilibusb
atwf83 audio_alsa awlibusb bte
bw6130 commandir creative creative_infracd
default devinput dfclibusb dsp
dvico ea65 file ftdi
ftdix girs i2cuser irlink
irman irtoy livedrive_midi livedrive_seq
logitech macmini mouseremote mouseremote_ps2
mp3anywhere mplay mplay2 pcmak
pinsys pixelview samsung sb0540
silitek sonyir srm7500libusb tira
tira_raw udp uirt2 uirt2_raw
usb_uirt_raw usbx zotac
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but ...
# systemctl stop lircd
Warning: Stopping lircd.service, but it can still be activated by:
# systemctl start lircd
# irrecord -H macmini -d /dev/lirc /storage/.config/lircd.config
Warning: Running as root.
Using driver macmini on device /dev/lirc
Could not init hardware (lircd running ? --> close it, check permissions)
# irrecord -H default -d /dev/lirc /storage/.config/lircd.config
Warning: Running as root.
Using driver default on device /dev/lirc
Could not init hardware (lircd running ? --> close it, check permissions)
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HiassofT would be really appreciate if you can advice me ..