Posts by WarpLover

    It will be 30 days or more before I can get a UPS, but the UPS is just a band aid. It's not solving the power problem. The same with a bench power supply I could use. It masks the real issue.

    My second issue is that everything else in the apartment can handle this "power problem". The only devices that cannot handle it run off of wall warts. RPi5/m.2 is 5v & RockPro64 is 12v.

    There is one exception. There is a RPi4 running in the bedroom each day that NEVER has this issue. Not even once. (connected to the same NAS)

    I cannot continually monitor the power waiting for a voltage sag. So what I have done is isolate the pi by using an extension cord. I have now tried 3 additional outlets. Each outlet had just the extensioncord/Pi5 plugged into it.

    One outlet dropped out within 15 minutes. The other two took a lot longer; 3 to 4 UHD movies played back to back before the interruption.

    I know for sure the very last outlet I tried was on a different breaker than the entertainment system. I changed almost every outlet and a few switches that were worn out in this apt. already. So I suspect worn out breakers. The brand of breaker in the circuit breaker box have been out of business for decades. Time to change them anyway (secretly). The apt is 30+ yo.

    I'll report back then.

    I may try the extension cord method with the RockPro64 if I get time.

    You only get to that file with root privileges. If you need top-level security, you have to learn a lot.

    OK, so I am a ~70 year old noob trying to learn.

    Recently I thought I saw a person using one single command to mount the protected partition. That does not seem too hard to breech.

    I'm not b itching. I really am trying to understand. You know how much a 67TB NAS costs. I just want to protect it.

    I am in an apartment. I have one outlet for the whole entertainment system. There is a triple tap on that outlet and two multi-outlet adapters (I used to have 7 external drives), TV, PC, and usually a couple SBCs.

    What I will do is run a quality extension cord to another outlet around the corner and have just the Pi running from that. That will eliminate all the multi-taps, although I think it is on the same breaker.

    Getting a UPS is a great idea. I need one for the NAS too.

    Guess its time to find help moving this big ol' TV so I can get behind there and eliminate what is no longer needed.

    Getting old s uck s.

    Thanks Chewitt and petediscrete

    The symptom I am about to describe happens on two different boxes, and from version LE11 through LE12. The boxes are RPI5 and RockPro64.

    Because I see this on two pieces of hardware, and from v11 to 12, I have never felt it is LE. I always felt it was HW related, which is why I bought the pi.

    The issue is simple. For no apparent reason, the system reboots gracefully. When I thought it was thermal I was running the RockPro64. It's been replaced by a pi, and I see the exact same behavior. The pi is not over heating. The pi has the rpi 27w white PS. It's not power (the pi has a m.2, but the rockpro64 did not and exhibited the same problem).

    So I thought I would turn on logging and see if I could detect any clues as to what makes it reboot. I saw a DBus error. What I detected is that I am clueless at looking at these logs. lol Any help?



    I run the default skin.

    When I made my first node with the addon, the contents of the VIDEO menu had been wiped clean in favor of the new node I had created. That scared the crap out of me. I have over 50 playlists that have been honed over the years apparently disappear. They came back when I deleted the new node.

    I think I need to see some video of what's going on with this.

    Right now, it seems like finding an answer to my original question would be easier to find than to learn all this.

    Why do the subroutine-playlists IGNORE their limit settings, when called from a master-playlist? Can someone ask in the Kodi forum for me? I can't post there anymore. :(

    2 questions:

    "Manually creating or editing a custom node

    So now we understand how the default nodes work, lets have a look at making a custom node. Custom nodes live inside your Userdata folder. To create custom nodes, the first step is to copy the whole of the default node file structure from the default library folder to a new folder called library inside your Userdata folder.

    So, in the case of Windows, copy the 'video' and the 'video_flat' folders from C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\library to %appdata%\Kodi\userdata\library."

    1 But where do I find the default node file structure equivalent in LE? ^^^^^^^

    2 The icon in I create it? Can the node work without it?

    I did not see an example where they used the "order" function. I'd like to see if this much works as expected.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    <node order="10" type="filter">
    <label>Movies 1930</label>
    <rule field="year" operator="is"><value>1930</value></rule>
    <order direction="descending">rating</order>

    I have little experience with playlists, but have you tried the node editor? Nodes are things like "recently added" and are constructed from content in the library using filters. The add-on is in the Kodi repo.

    NB: You have PM regarding the Kodi forum account.

    Nodes are completely new to me. I'll look into it.

    Forgive me, your comment on the Kodi forum is too cryptic for me. Was that an OK?

    10,000+ posts. You're awesome Chewitt.

    I can't get on the Kodi forum since the breech. Hope you don't mind me asking this here.

    I wanted to make a playlist to show the best movies for a given decade. Let's use the 30's as an example.

    We have 11 playlists.

    10 are playlists, one for each year of the decade (1930-1939). Each playlist sorts that single year by rating, returning the top three movies for that year. Works when called directly.

    1 playlist is the master that calls all the subroutine playlists to combine the 30 movies into a master list for that decade.

    If it worked as I wanted, it would return 30 movies, the top three movies from each year combined into one list. (3x10)

    But for some reason the limit of 3 is ignored when you call the subroutine playlists, and they return every movie from their respective year. The limit line in the ten subroutines are completely ignored. Why?

    Can you think of a way around this?

    PS If I gathered all the movies from the 30s into one list, sorted by rating and took the top 30, it would not have an even distribution (3 per year).


    I am seeing temps of 140-150F in system info of Kodi. That seems way too high. :cursing:

    I built my Pi5 with all the stock stuff and added the M.2 setup inside the RPi5 red/white case and fan. The fan is also from the pi foundation. The two plastic plugs for the fan attach went through the board and expanded, so the thermal paste should be in contact at their pre-set pressure.

    So why the high temps? Is this dangerous? Are they real?

    I hear the fan run up to max speed on initial power up, but the fan is not running that fast while the unit is reporting 150 degrees for the CPU and GPU! Curious.


    I'll make you a bet.

    Buy a diff media box from some other company. Use the second media box the same way you were and see if the same issue arises. I bet you each and every SBC you try has the same problem.

    My experience with 7 ext HDs on a 2 diff Ankor hubs (and other brands and 3 diff SBCs) is all will be well when you first set the new media box up. All drives will show up and scan in initially, and some time after that the problem of drives disappearing will arise again, regardless of brand of SBC or hub. The file system stuff is related to the box locking up and being shut down in an unfriendly way after one of the drives go senile.

    Been there, done that, then I bought a NAS. The externals back up the NAS, (for now).

    You can use "kodi-send" to send commands to Kodi, including PlayerContol() for starting a playlist. You can put individual kodi-send commands or a sequence into a bash or python script that's called from a systemd service; allowing you to schedule execution of the script once Kodi is up/running (with a small delay so background things have settled before you start playback). If you need to, you can also query DB files for the content to (re)create the playlist from.

    Looks powerful.

    So how does this work?

    PlayerControl(Play, path to smartplaylist)

    And that is in a python file?

    And where does that python file go?

    Are there examples of kodi-send files around, that I could modify? Videos? Where do I learn more?
