I'm having a similar issue in that that most h265 files stopped playing for me after upgrading to 10.0.2 (Rpi4 2GB), my tv displays 'no signal' but pressing stop brings me back to the UI and signal returns.
Turning off 'Allow Using DRM PRIME decoder' in 'settings | player | video' gets them playing again, but with very low framerate.
NeB's test file plays back fine with DRM prime decoder enabled or disabled however.
EDIT, got it working:
Changing 'settings | system | display | resolution' to 1920x1080p instead of 2840x2160p fixed it, all videos now play fine with DRM prime decoder enabled.
With the UI set to 4k (60hz refresh) I got 'no signal' when playing back 1080p SDR h265 videos but the few 4k HDR h265 vids I have worked OK.
With the UI set to 1080p (60hz refresh) everythign works.
Not sure why changing the menu res fixed 1080p h265 video playback but a fix is a fix