Posts by CraigDaymon

    Went to update my Raspberry Pi 3 to 9.2.7 and found only a img.gz file on the download page. Last time I attempted an update using this type of file it corrupted my database. This is a compressed disk image file, not a compressed tar file or plain tar file.

    The critical difference being that the img file will repartition my SD card. I have a 16 GB card in my Pi and last time it repartitioned it to 8GB, with 8GB marked unused. That corrupted my database.

    Please post a tar or tar.gz file for any updates for the Raspberry Pi, and any supported system that uses SD cards, but especially for the current, 9.2.7, release.

    A a tar/tar.gz file will unroll to populate the SD card with the updated files and leave the partition size alone.
