Posts by the_third_pi

    I'm sorry that upgrading to LE11 has not solved those problems for you. My problems were specific to YouTube and I am confident my internet speed and connectivity are not factors here. The best I can understand about it is that certain videos were being served from data centres from very far away, and when that would happen I would encounter buffering which would freeze the video. I've tried using yt-dlp on suspect videos and had much lower than normal download speeds on those videos. I blame YouTube CDN as well as Kodi's (or inputstream.adaptive's) less than graceful stream error handling. That being said, LE11 has fixed those buffering problems for me on YouTube by-in-large.

    For your streaming issues the best course would be to engage with the inputstream.adaptive team on Github. They have an issue tracker with issues that may relate to yours like They are also the people who are probably going to be the most knowledgeable when it comes to streaming-specific problems and solutions with Kodi.

    When it comes to antenna, I have nothing but problems trying to recover a stream from a station with poor signal quality, regardless of the device. Wish I could offer more tips there. Best of luck.

    Thank you kindly for your prompt reply and resolution. I would ask that someone help me to remove my posts from this thread and make it a separate thread as my issue is probably unrelated to an issue someone was experiencing before this nightly, and their issue probably remains. Sorry I got confused when posting and my issue is probably not related to the previous posters issue.

    This seems similar to a problem I've been experiencing with YouTube for many months on LE10. The video would freeze after a short buffer but the audio would continue to play on. The best information I found on the issue came from . It was ever present on 10.0.3, but I haven't tested it in 10.0.4 as I had already upgraded to an LE11 nightly by the time they released that.

    For me, upgrading to a recent LE11 nightly running Kodi 20 final has solved this buffering/video freezing issue completely. I would suggest there was some change in inputstream.adaptive that hasn't yet/won't be backported to Kodi 19. There is still a problem occasionally losing audio while seeking through streaming content but overall the experience is better. So if you want to wait a bit the LE11 final should be out in the coming months, and it may solve your problems. Or you can test it today with the newly released LE11 Beta. Hard to migrate backwards though, so make a backup of your current setup just in case you need to return to LE10.

    I just updated to the most recent build (Jan 28) on my RPi400 and can confirm that wifi doesn't work.

    At startup I saw failed to start iwd.service. Ethernet works as expected. This was working on the last nightly I was using from Jan 20 and also the one I tested from Jan 26. This is probably unrelated to the problem above, sorry.

    log shows

    Dec 20 11:15:46.554163 Pi systemd[1]: iwd.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
    Dec 20 11:15:46.554634 Pi systemd[1]: iwd.service: Failed with result 'signal'.

    Probably related to

    You are correct. I've just checked and the fix from 6.1 is missing from 6.0 tree. I've cherry-picked it to rpi-6.0.y, so should appear next time LibreELEC bumps their kernel version (probably best to wait for confirmation here, as that's not an automatic process).

    Thank you for your continued tireless and often thankless work for the RPi community. I will test this fix when it is available in the upstream. I have been a member of the community for years now and want to thank you for being such a force of good in this community.

    This problem is occurring for me because I think the latest update (10.0.3) broke the Turn Off screensavers vcgencmd compatibility and using dpms results in a display that won't come back properly. I managed to get the display back briefly but it only showed a still frame. Had to restart to restore full video. Hopefully this will fix that problem when it's available in the nightly. Thanks again, much appreciated!

    Although there is a shortage of the PCB boards, the Pi 400 seems to be in ready supply. So unless you're looking for a bare PCB this is also an option to consider. I just got one and it runs LibreElec just fine, I got the kit so it contains everything I need. I think the only major difference is that it is missing the 3.5mm audio jack and one USB 2.0 port, but it runs at a higher clock speed and has a heatsink. Something to consider, best of luck.

    My other suggestion is one that has been a problem for some speakers for me in the pass and that is the 'Keep audio device alive' should be set accordingly (I set mine to Always) and check the Send low volume noise. This keeps the connection alive between Kodi and your speakers, but I was using this mostly because my speakers had a delay when starting audio streams so it would always cut off the first few seconds of audio of any video I played. I'm afraid I don't have much more to offer you in assistance as it seems unusual that GUI sounds and video playback sounds would be routed to different audio devices. You can try disabling the Bluetooth Audio Device Switcher addon and manually setting the Audio output device in settings and see if that has better results. Wish I could be of more assistance, good luck.

    Pulse audio is not returning to default source after turning off Bluetooth headphones until manually browsing to settings/system/audio. Once on that window it will switch the input back to default as expected. If I just leave the settings/system/audio window open when I switch it becomes blank and doesn't switch until I reload the window. Is this a known problem or is there a workaround or have I totally done something wrong?

    I wasn't sure what to put in the 'Audio Device' setting for Bluetooth Audio Device Changer so I set it to "ALSA:@". If there is something else I should be setting this to, let me know. Debug log can be provided, if needed.

    RPi3B LE 10.0.2 Bluetooth Audio Device Changer

    Playing certain [email protected] Youtube will cause Kodi to blank my monitor for a second (supposedly to change the refresh rate) and then become a slide show with one frame every 2-3 seconds being rendered but audio remains unaffected. Using OMXPlayer, video playback is smooth but A/V sync slowly degrades. Turning off mmal causes the same flash but results in way less dropped frames but higher CPU usage because of the software decoding. I have very few addons installed besides YouTube, Inputstream Adaptive, and their dependants for this test. For me this issue seems to only be affecting mpeg-dash h264 1080p 60.00fps. I'm not sure where the problem lies but I'm posting on LibreElec in the hopes that someone has faced a similar problem and found a solution. Any help is appreciated.

    Video in question, consistently does this 1-2 seconds into it on my RPi3B (LE 9.2.6) @ 1080p/60: When Marge is Suss (Gartic Phone | Episode 3) - YouTube

    Complete debug log file: hastebin

    EDIT: Only whitelisting 1080p/60 in System/Video seems to avoid it erroneously changing the refresh rate and the video playback remains consistent. Not sure what is causing it to report an incorrect frame rate but it seems to work.