Posts by RManPT

    Looks and feels the same as 10b2. Was hopping that the muffled and crackling sound using DRM PRIME HW acceleration would be fixed but no: every video with greater than 1080p res is showing this problem. Using a RPI4 4GB BCM2711 (analog sound output).

    Waiting to see if the random 10b2 GUI lag will happen again.

    Anyway, good job guys. Keep up the good work.

    I am using RP4 bcm2711 (I mean what shows up in my audio list after activating dtparam=audio=on is bcm2835, the files on flash are named bcm2708-11) and fixed the crackling by just disabling hardware acceleration with DRM PRIME.

    Am I missing any performance/quality? Or is this the best way? Can I get a clock updated dtb file?

    Just tried 10b3 and the problem persists. Every video 1080p or greater has a muffled/crackling/popping sound when using DRM PRIME HW acceleration. What could be the problem?