Posts by jim_p

    I did it! Good news first. I sshed to coreelec and I ran "reboot update", just like I did when I installed coreelec on it (I found the howto I had followed back then).

    On the next boot, and right after that blue tinted screen, it booted from the sd card and reached kodi after a while. I am so excited!

    I will work on it sometime this weekend. I will also need to do the same on that testing image that is for s805, once I get the all black mxq in my hands

    The bad news is that

    - systemd pops a failed service on boot, ethmactool-config.service. No idea what this is.

    - when the card is not on the tvbox, it just stops at that blue tinted screen and does not boot to coreelec anymore ;(

    I had faced that last issue again when I had tried coreelec from the sd, but I do not remember how I had solved it. Somehow I made it boot back to android, but how?

    p.s. That blue tint might be an issue with my old dell monitor. It does not happen at all on the tv.

    How can I boot a s905 tvbox that already runs coreelec 9.2.x from its internal storage? I downloaded the image of le 11 b1, flashed it on the sd card, edited the uEnv.ini file, but all I get is a blue-tinted image of the amlogic boot picture, then complete darkness, followed by a non-tinted image, followed by the regular boot to coreelec. All that happens in like 5 seconds.

    Normally, the amlogic boot picture is not tinted, shows up only once and right after that it boots to coreelec.

    Its device tree is

    # cat /proc/device-tree/amlogic-dt-id

    so I wrote this on the uEnv.ini file

    bootargs=boot=UUID=2001-4326 disk=UUID=1f15e972-a53f-4d06-9d5f-a1195c38a657 quiet systemd.debug_shell=ttyAML0 console=ttyAML0,115200n8 console=tty0

    None of the four options mentioned in the wiki apply to it, that is why, back when I installed coreelec on it, I had to use a terminal-like android app to boot to recovery, then boot from the sd and do the rest.

    that highly sounds like a SD card issue (dead?) and less likely a power supply issue

    Maybe. I will flash it again once I am done with le 11 on the s905 tvbox... but I have not even started on that.
    As for the logs, there are plenty of them on my old thread about adding command line parameters to the rpi image. You can check there if you don't mind. There are also logs from the x64 installation that still has the forementioned issue since the nightlies.

    The wierd thing about the rpi is that it stopped giving me video output on that debian 11 aarch64 I have on its main sd card. It boots to the rainbow square, it shows some boot messages and then the monitor goes on standby! If it helps, its video out connection is: rpi > hdmi cable > hdmi to dvi adapter > dvi input on a dell monitor. Of all 4, the only thing I have 2 of each and I can change is the hdmi cable :P

    And all that happened ~12 hours after the doctor told me to try and stay calm, at least for the following 2-3 weeks :D

    As it seems, I will probably skip le 11 completely :(

    The rpi just decided to stop booting le. It just shows that "rainbow square" when it starts and then the monitor goes to standby, but the activity led keeps blinking. After like 2 minutes, and although the activity led has stopped, I still get no image on the monitor. Tomorrow I will investigate it more, but I have no big hopes.

    And x64 has the same old issue with wifi not even being available on boot! I enable it, I ran iwlist scan to scan for networks, it finds both of them that exist around it but connman fails to scan find anything. Bring back wpa_supplicant please!

    Last chance for le 11 will be tomorrow with my attempt to run in on an s905 amlogic tvbox.

    Tbh, I have not tested anything related to playback. Last time (= when it was on the nightly) I did, I had a video (sindel) + its subtitles to test how they look on kodi 20, because I asked for a change in the default font. However, this change has not come yet and I doubt if it will for nexus's lifecycle. I did notice some shuttering though on that video's (h264) playback, but nothing more than that.

    Where I do notice a lot of shuttering (almost unwatchable) is on le 10 and 11 x64 on my old laptop, since the very first betas of le 10. I will open a new thread about it when I can. No issue with le 9 though, that is why I have kept it for so long.

    First bad impression on le11b1 on my rpi3b+. It still has that wireless connectivity issue that made me stop using the nightly 4 months ago. I made a fresh installation on a spare sd card yesterday, connected it to my wifi and configured some basic stuff like the skin and region. And today it just failed to connect to my wifi and I had to reenter the credentials.

    I was using the nightly from late May 2022 to early September 2022, I did not miss a single one all those months, and I was troubleshooting its wifi almost daily until I got fed up with it and flashed the card with another os for the rpi. I do not know if the transition to iwd is eventually to blame, but I will probably skip le 11 on the rpi.

    For the record, I tried 2 other oses since then (armbian and debian stable aarch64, on the same rpi and on the same card) and none had the same issue.

    Is it just me or the links in the download page for x64 download the same file, regardless of generic and generic-legacy? Proof

    $ sha256sum Desktop/LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-10.95.0.img.gz Downloads/LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-10.95.0.img.gz
    507ff3f94cf443b58313a116ceb1f0a8a61c670f26bbf3361aba3a25caacc598  Desktop/LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-10.95.0.img.gz
    507ff3f94cf443b58313a116ceb1f0a8a61c670f26bbf3361aba3a25caacc598  Downloads/LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-10.95.0.img.gz

    The file in the downloads folder is the generic image and the file in the desktop folder is, hypothetically, the generic-legacy one.

    Neither of them can boot from ventoy though, on my old bios-only system, but ventoy is to blame for that.

    Ok, first attempt to boot your amlmx 10.88.0 image on the existing le 9.2.6 on s805 failed completely. In detail.

    I wrote it on both an sd card and a usb stick with rufus and I tried to boot from any of them.

    The toothpick method failed because, regardless of where I tried to boot it from, it was always getting to an adroid recovery screen... which I had no way to use with the remote.

    Leaving the unwanted recovery mode aside, the next best thing that happened was for the box to show the mxq logo and then the tv to pop an "unsupported" message (possibly its way of informing the user for something "out of range"), which was followed by booting to existing libreelec installation.

    Any ideas?

    Hello and happy 2023 to everyone!

    A couple of hours ago I noticed that lekma's addon for invidious has stopped supporting python2 since early August of 2021! Assuming that more will follow soon, I started searching here and there for any solutions and I came accross this entry from the wiki.

    The 2 images that are mentioned there no longer exist as it seems. The closest ones seem to be the AMLGX nightlies for le 11 the Amlogic/box folder. Assuming there is a relevant device tree file in there (which is something I can not verify unless I flash an image to an sd card and then check... some subfolder in there) what are the chances that it will work on an s805 or an s905 device?

    p.s. Please excuse my long absense from the forum. I had a really hard time with covid in 2022 :(

    So, provided that one can wait bit longer, the "available versions" button does show the available images from the server and works like it should (downloads the image etc). I think that the delay is because the amount of images on the json file, which are now 10 compared to only 2 in the past.

    This happens on le 11 nightly though. On le 10 nightly, nothing shows up, no matter how long I wait. I will check the log later for any info.


    Here is the 8+MB log from le 10 nightly with a ton of errors! At least the json file is parsed correctly.

    It was too big for pastebin I guess, so I took it from le and zipped it on my system to make it smaller than 1MB.

    p.s. Please excuse any misclicks that made kodi parse the file twice.