Hi @all,
in my opinion it is all based on the wrong expectations. The RPI boards, Kodi or libreelec are not from big companies. Just out of the box and running.
It is more do-it-yourself. You have to learn alot about everything. You have to read many tutorials, how-to, FAQs and of course alot in support-forums like this one here. The process of learning is really great. And in the end you stop streaming your 4k 24fps Dolby Atmos HDR uncompressed 80GB file via wifi .......and take a ethernet cable. And suddenly ..... it works. And that is just because all your walls or ceilings in your home are made from reinforced concrete and your wifi signal cannot get through or is weak as hell.
And like chewitt said bad PSUs, and cables are a really great issue. I bought lots of HDMI cables and 80 percent of them were not working properly. 1080p was working properly, 4k content was a bad slide show or not working at all. Especially the micro-hdmi adapters at the end of a normal hdmi cable are really great s***.
The little things can kill you .....
But after all ..... when you except the challenge ..... it will work. The guys here do a great job and are highly motivated. And when it is not working now, it will get fixed and will work tomorrow or in a week. Just stay tuned.
My way was a very long way with the RPI4 and libreelec. But now it works. I have 2 55" TVs from Sony with a RPI 4. All working flawlessly with 4K content with HDR. One of my old RPI3+ is working with libreelec as a audio library.
And ..... oh ..... btw ..... my home cinema ..... 7.0.4 .... Denon 6400H .... Sony X-800 .... BenQ W-2000 (will be changed in december 2021)
The RPI4 in combination with libreelec is great after all. It was a long way but now it serves my needs......
And perhaps we should start a thread of other great installations where libreelec is working.
so long .... have fun ... don't give up ..... and always remember .... as long as you are not crying, it is still your first try