Posts by bolet

    No, I haven't any additional certs. I tested to wget the 1st URL, and there doesn't seem to be a certificate issue:

    # wget -O- ""
    Connecting to (
    wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed

    If it was a CDN or certs issue, wget would also fail, right? Maybe a python only issue? Any more ideas?

    If it was just to fix the issue, I could backup kodi settings, erase all data inside /storage then reboot and restore? But maybe it's worth digging?

    I submitted the bug and had the answer here:


    This has nothing to do with this plugin. There is something wrong with your system certificate store. Or maybe the certifi module.

    You will need to check why your system certificate store does not contain the information that is required to verify/make a secure connection to the YouTube servers.

    As a workaround you can disable https verification in the plugin advanced settings, but this is not a recommended course of action.

    Help welcome!

    This started happening a few days ago, I don't remember having done anything special to trigger this.

    Hardware: Orange Pi PC Plus (Allwinner H3)
    OS: LibreElec 12.0.0

    All plugins needing https connections now display something like this in the log file:

    The file /run/libreelec/cacert.pem looks normal.

    I'm using LibreELEC for my OPi PC Plus, it works like a charm. Thanks Jernej for your work on AllWInner chips!

    But I also have 2 OPi Lite (not Lite 2) which I'd like to update: they now run a LibreELEC 8 image from 2017-05-16, and don't support HW decoding.

    I tried using the OPi PC Plus image and replacing the dtb file and the extlinux.conf reference, but the OPi Lite still doesn't boot.

    What does it take to have a bootable recent LibreELEC on OPi Lite?

    I can probably compile my own image if I have a few hints, but if you can add the image for OPi Lite in the daily downloads it would be even better :)