Posts by Sal0kyn


    I open this post to share my experience.

    I use LE on a RPi4, on a SD card. STORAGE partition is in ext4 by default, but that fs is not the best to be used on flash devices. F2FS is better-suited.

    :!: I explain how to do this from a fresh install. Do not do this if STORAGE partition is not empty or you'll lose all data.

    How I did :

    * flash LE 10 image on a SD card

    * use Gparted to format the STORAGE partition in F2FS (and resize it by the way)

    * note the new UUID of this partition (afaik F2FS doesn't support partition name, so forget about "STORAGE" name)

    * in /flash/cmdline.txt replace the UUID above in disk=UUID=whatEverUUID

    * unmount properly, insert the SD card in the RPi and enjoy.

    I did not test this on previous versions of LE.


    I've got the same problem on Pi4 with French DVB-T TV since I updated LE from 9 to 10.

    What's the problem ?

    Is there any fix planned for LE10 ?