Posts by maeries

    Just had another look at it. At the end of the day the Pi 4 still does not have enough power to software decode smoothly. When it plays a low bitrate scene is runs smoothly and the CPU usage is a 30-40% in that example. In high bitrate scenes the CPU usage is at max and I get that too-slow-then-too-fast-playback again.

    I'ss try out if enabling syncing refresh rate to display helps

    I noticed that playing VC-1 endoced files leads to alot of dropped frames. In the first two minutes of the Blu Ray rip of The Boure Identity it says 86 dropped frames in the ctrl+shift+o overlay.

    The problem seems to be that the PI 4 does not have hardware acceleration for VC-1, unlike the Pi 3, and that the CPU is not quite powerfull enough to decode it via software. What make me belive that is

    • There are alot of dropped frames when playing h.264 when hw-decoding is deactivated, but no dropped frames, when it's enabled
    • The utilisation of one CPU core is always 90-100%
    • Framedrops appear mainly when the bitrate of the video is high (fast movement in bluray rips. Ctrl+Shift+O shows 25 to over 30 mBit/s video bitrate). Bitrates of up to 20-25 mBit/s seem to work fine.

    I tried all kinds of different setting like "automatically changing the screen refresh rate" on and off and "audio pass through" on and off, but nothing affects the dropped frames. I'll try overclocking the Pi in the next couple of days and see if that helps. Are there any other thinks I can try to imporve the situation?