Posts by banelec

    Found this having an issue with one movie not being found by the scrapers. I resigned myself to creating a local .nfo file just to be able to scan it to the library. Then scanned the movie again. It then added the movie as expected.

    I then tried refresh and ignore local information. It only went and found the movie details online!

    So this might be useful for someone. Don't give up hope 😊

    Hi there, reviving this one to see where anyone's got to.

    I'm trying out Matrix RC and trying to get AML working by compiling MAME for libreelec. Dont have the right switches as a guess. I've compiled but it wants sdl2 when i execute it.

    error while loading shared libraries:

    Not sure if SDL2 can be installed on libreelec or if its possible to compile mame without this? (ill need to look into what is SDL2 too...)

    So I'm now going through the links for setting up mame from here to see where it leads Advanced MAME Launcher - MAME frontend for Kodi

