Posts by elkman42

    Amazon doesn't work anymore since new year eve.
    I do run libreelec 10 on raspi 4.

    May you have an idea

    log says..

    Jan 25th 2021 and the dailyBuild still or again doesnt work with librespot.

    The same issue as seen on the 16th of January 2021

    2021-01-25 23:15:04.268 T:943 INFO : Librespot: [2021-01-25T22:15:04Z INFO librespot_connect::spirc] Fetching autoplay context uri
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.302 T:943 INFO : Librespot: [2021-01-25T22:15:04Z INFO librespot_connect::spirc] Autoplay uri resolved to <"spotify🚉album:7DcHWOXFDrfWLhAp02FMQp">
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.374 T:943 INFO : Librespot: [2021-01-25T22:15:04Z INFO librespot_playback::player] Loading with Spotify URI spotify:track:79yOuInT3K0iBU4pcNf26N
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.490 T:943 INFO : Librespot: thread '' panicked at 'attempted to zero-initialize type vorbisfile_sys::ov_callbacks, which is invalid', /rustc/e1884a8e3c3e813aada8254edfa120e85bf5ffca/library/core/src/mem/
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: suspended sink 1
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: event panic 1/3
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 0: 0x901934 -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 1: 0x92a818 -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 2: 0x8f995c -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 3: 0x9045cc -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 4: 0x9041d0 -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 5: 0x904de0 -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 6: 0x904908 -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 7: 0x901ed4 -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 8: 0x904888 -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 9: 0x9271f4 -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 10: 0x927150 -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 11: 0x5b87b4 -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 12: 0x5c4bdc -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.584 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 13: 0x5c32fc -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.585 T:943 INFO : Librespot: 14: 0x90b82c -
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.585 T:943 INFO : Librespot: [2021-01-25T22:15:04Z WARN librespot_playback::player] Unable to load <SpotifyId { id: 312455127656784245021068882369821925381, audio_type: Track }>
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.585 T:943 INFO : Librespot: Skipping to next track
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.585 T:943 INFO : Librespot: [2021-01-25T22:15:04Z INFO librespot_connect::spirc] Resolved 50 tracks from <"spotify:album:7DcHWOXFDrfWLhAp02FMQp">
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.649 T:943 INFO : Librespot: suspended sink 1
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.650 T:943 INFO : Librespot: librespot stopped
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.692 T:943 INFO : Librespot: librespot started
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.699 T:943 INFO : Librespot: [2021-01-25T22:15:04Z INFO librespot] librespot 819404a (2021-01-16). Built on 2021-01-16. Build ID: K7eOWhqX
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.730 T:943 INFO : Librespot: *** WARNING *** The program 'librespot' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.730 T:943 INFO : Librespot: *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.730 T:943 INFO : Librespot: *** WARNING *** For more information see Avahi Gains Compatibility Layers for Apple Bonjour and HOWL
    2021-01-25 23:15:04.803 T:943 INFO : Librespot: [2021-01-25T22:15:04Z INFO librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
    2021-01-25 23:15:05.026 T:943 INFO : Librespot: [2021-01-25T22:15:05Z INFO librespot_core::session] Authenticated as "7wrank501ok1pu5oqtcghyfp2" !
    2021-01-25 23:15:05.027 T:943 INFO : Librespot: [2021-01-25T22:15:05Z INFO librespot_core::session] Country: "DE"
    2021-01-25 23:15:05.027 T:943 INFO : Librespot: country=DE