thx guys
it was usb 3....
i didn't know Ubs 3 has plroblem with wifi.
I had made some change in my home, router and raspberry + hdd box never been close until now.
thx guys
it was usb 3....
i didn't know Ubs 3 has plroblem with wifi.
I had made some change in my home, router and raspberry + hdd box never been close until now.
hdd box is a Fantec qb-35us3 4 bay
but i try to use my old raspberry pi 2 and install last version of libreelec 9.2.6 same version on pi 4.
and no issue
no words.... but i want to do more tests
Most likely there is a conflict in the IP address assignment of your home network. Always assign static IP addresses from the router and keep the dhcp assignment mode on devices
but nothing change. At this point i'll install libreelc from scratch.
my current gear set up
- raspberry pi 4 with libreElec 9.2.6
- Ethernet connection with static ip
- on the blue usb port is plugged USB nas with 3 HDD (no mirror, raid or other config.. every disk it is independent)
until now it has always worked with this setup but i don't know when maybe after update libreelec to 9.2.6
when i turn on my USB nas all my smart plug (meross plug and wiz lights) in all my house lost connections to my wifi.
i can play movie like usual on raspberry using USB nas.
My phones , fire stick tv , notebook work as usual connected to wifi.
When i turn off USB nas ( raspberry still on) after 30-50 sec all my plug reconnect to wifi and work as usual.
Any ideas??
Sorry for my english.