Posts by mattia3rd

    I'm afraid the simple answer is "no".

    As far as I can tell, that is a 7-8 year old Ivy Bridge CPU/GPU, that was not designed to do 4K movies, and certainly not the h265/hevc format.

    Your device is simply not capable of doing those videos. I might do 4K videos but only in h264 format (my C1037 can do that).

    I supposed the same too, thank you for your feedback.

    Just my last question:

    I do not find on Intel C1037 reference any advice for video format support, is there a well know list of processor I can safely choose from? ( that support h265/hevc)

    Hi all,

    I need an advice for my current configuration.

    I'm able to see all the films in my storage but I have issue when playing 4K movie, they lag and suddenly stop.

    I see my CPU goes on 100% utilization, is my current hardware enough to play it ?

    I have a:

    Zotac ID18

    CPU: intel Celeron 1007U @1.50GHz

    Kodi version: 17.6

    Your help is really appreciated