Posts by thankarezosLB

    Well, the problem was my VPN provider after all, i asked them, they block tethering. Are there any workarounds? My hunch says that bridging ethernet with tether will do the trick right?

    I found this that was bridging my gateway with tether and tether had internet with vpn enabled but it had my normal ip. Can I modify it to pass through vpn?

    Tell me if there are any sensitive information I need to delete. I havent seen my ip in that.

    Also I noticed that my devices get gateway. That seems weird because there is a router with different gateway in the way and rasberry pi is acting as a gateway too. wasnt it supposed to be pi's ip or that is the router's ip(not modem's)? I am very familiar with computers but networking is my weak spot.

    Try this in /storage/.config/ (I use it to connect the zerotier interface with the ethernet interface), it works very well for me.

    You will have to find out the name of your hotspot interface (use the ifconfig command) and substitute it in <interface>. If eth0 has another name, change it too.

    # bridge <interface> >>> eth0
    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter
    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
    iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A FORWARD -i <interface> -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

    Still the same problem. Also I noticed that I if connect to the vpn I dont have internet access via access point, also I dont find where interface name is

    I am running librelec on my rasberry pi 4 connected on an external router with gateway.

    I have enabled access point so I can use it as a vpn hotspot. I had no intnernet access so I enabled ip_forwading.

    Now If i set ip adress manually my ethernet card stays in ready state no matter if I disonect and reconnect, thats easy solvable with Ip binding so I use dhcp.

    But it still causes problems. The first one is that I have to diconnect and reconnect ethernet (via menu not physically) to get online

    The second one is that it causes interfere to my alexa's tv's wifi. I was playing some music on spotify via alexa and when I was booting it stoped and both tv and alexa dissapeared from spotify for some time. then they came back.

    I mostly dont turn off my pi but some times I need to switch to rasberry OS so I will have to reconnect ethernet.