Posts by brunetton


    I'm very enthusiastic about installing Nextcloud as a Kodi plugin, that will define for me the systemd service. But I've to say that I'm more or less hopeless; after having tried initializing Nextcloud container and make it communicate with MariaDB.

    In sort

    I installed NextCloud and MariaDB addons, but when I connect to NextCloud UI for the install process (when we specify DB address, user and password), I got



    SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused


    I followed the steps detailed in this thread. Here are the detailed steps I followed:

    • install mariadb, with no user and pre-created db, or with a dedicated user and nc database (nc for NextCloud) as read in this thread

      • waiting for the installation to complete (cheching with docker logs that all installation steps finished and that the server is actually ready and listening)

      • in case I installed with a dedicated user:

        • checked that the user ('nextcloud'@'%') had all privileges by using mysql command in mariadb container
        • also checked the nextcloud password
    • install NextCloud addon

    • Wait for install to finish (checking container's logs)

    • reboot (I wonder why, but I tried ad it's mentioned by a moderator user in this comment, I did it without thinking)

    • checked that I'm able to access mariadb from another container:

      • installed Adminer image
      • added this container onto lsio network
      • successfully logged onto DB as root and nextcloud user (using, witch is MariaDB IP address in lsio network)
    • but when I try to connect MariaDB from Nextcloud, this just doesn't works:

      SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused

    I tried all combinations of:

    • using MariaDB root login / pass, or dedicated nc DB user / pass (that have all privileges on nc database)
    • using as DB host and port: all combinations of ("", "mariadb") for host and ("3306", blank) for port

    Later I noticed that in NextCloud log file for every attempt there was this error:



    "remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"no app in context","method":"POST","url":"/index.php","message":"Host was not connected to because it violates local access rules","version":""

    I checked in Nextcloud's config.php file (/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/docker.linuxserver.nextcloud/config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php) and my box LAN IP address is whitelisted in trusted domains:

    'trusted_domains' =>
    array (
        0 => '',

    I also tested to add 'allow_local_remote_servers' => true, as I read here (without understanding deeply)

    Containers network problems

    When I launch bash on nextcloud container (docker exec -it nextcloud bash:(

    • I'm not able to ping mariadb container
      • using its name mariadb
      • using its IP in lsio network ( in my case)
    • I realized that I'm not able to access internet neither. Here's the content of /etc/resolv.conf:

      options ndots:0

    I suppose this isn't "normal", but I'm not an expert in networking.

    Final thoughts

    I'm wondering where did I missed something.

    • is the problem is related to the "local access rules violation" problem ?
    • is the problem is related to the communication issues between the 2 containers ? I'm on the verge to define my own docker-compose file and make a systemd service to see if that helps

    Additional information

    • LibreELEC v9.2.6 on Raspberry Pi4
    LibreELEC:~ # docker inspect -f '{{ index .Config.Labels "build_version" }}' mariadb version:- 110.4.17mariabionic-ls8 Build-date:- 2021-01-23T01:27:05-05:00
    LibreELEC:~ # docker inspect -f '{{ index .Config.Labels "build_version" }}' nextcloud version:- 20.0.6-ls117 Build-date:- 2021-01-26T13:30:45-05:00

    Does anyone have any clue ? aptalca maybe ? I'd be grateful !

    Thanks for reading !


    I'm trying LibreElec for some days now and I've to say that I'm very happy ! Thanks to all of you. I like the simplicity of the system, the ability to use systemd to make my own services, Docker, etc. The system is simple yet extensible.

    But I'm playing videos from a private server. This server is only accessible via ssh (no FTP, SFTP, etc), and only with an identity file (no password auth).

    • first I've used a systemd service that mounted this remote directory on a local directory using `sshfs`
      • but this has the big disadvantage of let Kodi think this directory was a normal directory and there were 2 drawbacks:
        • when the server is off Kodi becomes non responsive for a long time (some minutes), probably waiting for the system to list files on this directory, without any timeout
        • I had buffering issues that I didn't solved by tweaking advancedsettings.xml files
    • today I got the solution from http://here
      • putted my ssh identity files in `/storage/.ssh`
      • used the sshfs plugin with
        • correct username
        • no password
      • surprisingly the plugin uses root ssh keys to identify an user with another name

    I can't test video streaming now but at least I can browse distant files :)