Posts by hervald


    I'm trying to compile the add-on service tvheadend v4.2.8-36 (the last one) for a nanopi m4. The OS and kodi are working well. I installed this add-on from the extension panel in the GUI, also installed the client. After configuraing the server, I can perfectly watch the TV, using an avermedia vola hd2 (TD110) usb stick. The problem is taht as soon as I change the channel, Kdoi crashes and my nanopi tryies to reboot, and fails.

    So I decided to see if it is a pb of compatibility with my custom libreelec buid for the nanopi, and thus to compile myself the tvheadend server. But it fails

    During the configuration phase, it appears to detect that strlcpy and strlcat are available, which is quite weird. It implies a lot of warning 'implicit declaration of ..." and the link obviously fails.

    I tried to compile tvheadendv 4.3, and surprisingly, it works perfectly and during configuration, strlcpy and strlcat are not detected as available. But, this version does not work very well.

    I tried to compare the of both versions and I can't see anything that would lead to strlcpy detection in version 4.2 and not in version 4.3

    Does anybody have an idea about what happens and how to solve that ?



    I've just spent days to find a solution to the passthrough problem for my nanopi m4. And I finally found a fork of libreelec taht works just fine :

    Release 9.2.2-rk3399 update · Joern-P/ · GitHub

    I tested the .img on an sdcard and emmc and all is ok. In order to boot correctly for the nanopi m4, I jsut changed the .dtb. For that :

    - download rk3399-nanopi4-rev01.dtb

    - plug in the sd card

    - wait for it to mount, udner linux you obtain to mount point : /media/mylogin/LIBREELEC and /media/mylogin/STORAGE

    - copy rk3399-nanopi4-rev01.dtb in /media/mylogin/LIBREELEC

    - go to /media/mylogin/LIBREELEC/extconf and modify the file here to change the name of the dtb file.

    With that, I succeed in getting HDMI passthrough in kodi. For that, i set kodi with :

    - in audio settings :

    - enable passthrough + aC3 passthrough + dts passthrough (my AVR seems to be unable to manage EAC3)

    - change the number of channels to 5.1

    - when playing a video with 5.1 AC3/DTS : press enter then go to the parameter icons and in the audio parameters, choose enable passthrough. Then my AVR recevies effectively the AC3/DTS signal directly and decodes it.

    - when playing a video with EAC3 : press enter then go to the parameter icons and in the audio parameters, choose disable passthrough. Then my AVR receives PCM 5.1 because I set kodi to sends audio in 5.1.

    So, everythings fine for the nanopi m4.

    Now for rockpi4, it is possible that you can use the same image but using the dtb for the rockpi4, doing the same mods I did. It might work because the kernel settings are normally the same (as far as I understand correctly the building process of libreelec) but the dtb changes.

    So, let's try