Posts by politby


    I'm a long time user of DVBlink - started using it with WMC and now running LE with the add on.

    Pretty much rock solid except for the fact their recording database gets borked regularly with no possibility to restore (see here) from the actual files. I was looking at switching to TVheadend but they seem to be no better on that point.

    Is there another option that preferably keeps metadata with the files and otherwise works as well as DVBlink?

    My guess is it's a Harmony issue.
    You could test this by opening the Harmony software, then look at any devices that work with Libreelec and the ehome receiver. In my case that's ' MicrosoftWindows Media Center SE ' but it could be MCE keyboard, or more than one device.
    Try setting the power buttons for any such devices to 'A button on the remote for On, and a different button for Off ' - use power toggle or power on for the on button and 'none' or a random key for power off.
    Update remote, test.

    Good comment but that's not it. Already set to "there are no power buttons on my original remote " and if that had been the cause it would have been the same on Windows.

    Apparently on RPis there is a "config.txt" where commands relating to HDMI-CEC can be entered but on my machines that file is not present.

    Hi all,

    New WMC convert here - finally found the Windows replacement I have been looking for. Running with the DVBlink plugin and I love it.

    I have a friend with a mixture of NUCs and DIY HTPCs connected to a Classé SSP-800 and various Bose boxes. All are controlled by Harmony Ultimate remotes and were previously running Windows 7. IR receivers are standard eHome devices. The remotes have had no changes to their programming.

    The Harmonys are programmed to leave the HTPCs powered on all the time and are not sending any power commands. But after the conversion to LibreELEC the machines power off when I hit power off on the remote, which really should be impossible.

    The only explanation I can think of is that LibreELEC triggers a power off when the upstream device on the HDMI port is shutting down - in the same way HDMI-CEC works. But I doubt NUCs and AMD graphics cards have HDMI-CEC. And why was this not happening when the machines were running Windows?

    Has anyone encountered this?