Posts by Radegast

    I am not sure what you mean. Like I said I running pactl set-sink-volume alsa_output.0.stereo-fallback 50% will set the volume to 50% but it does not persist over system reboot and adding that command into has no effect.

    Running pactl set-sink-volume 50% without a sink name/index doesn't work:

    You have to specify a sink name/index and a volume

    I configured my RPI3 for Network Audio Receiving via PulseAudio according to the wiki and everything works great.

    Additionally, I set volume to 50%: pactl set-sink-volume alsa_output.0.stereo-fallback 50%

    However, after the system restarts the volume resets back to 100% which nearly killed my dog. I tried adding the pactl command into /storage/.config/ but it has no effect.

    How can I set the volume to 50% by default?