Hi guys. Thank you for your answers chewitt
Some updates:
I realize that LibreElec is the outside "Shell" and Kodi is the app doing the thing, so I should have posted my concerns to a Kodi forum instead, sorry about that. Then maybe Kodi is not the faulty one, maybe it's Samba.
At this point, we are getting philosophical about it.
I confirm that I was not looking at the right unit (I have two) and the faulty one had both avahi and samba enabled. That is now off.
Kodi still is using SAMBA mounts to access my NAS where my media files are located right ?
So let's not confuse "Accessing Kodi" through SAMBA from my laptop, and "Accessing my NAS from KODI" (which will continue to happen even with SAMBA off, this has nothing to do with mounts).
Credentials are still being stored in clear, and anybody can 'get' to these credentials by many means.
For example, you can see them by simply using KODI UI (Gear) -> File Manager -> passwords.xml (or mediasources.xml).
Now any friend's kid in visit to my home can get access to my NAS by simply playing with my TV remote control, which gives me the creeps. The fact that libreElec that is using Kodi that is using SAMBA punches a hole in my network security.
Credentials should NEVER (ever) be stored in clear. A breach is a breach, who ever is responsible should at least look into it I think. Documenting the fact that it exists doesn't protects the less skilled users.
- A 33 year experienced embedded developer specialized in Linux/openWRT and on the cyber security comitee, aka "low/no Linux skilled user"