For starters thanks for these working builds to put some use in my old android box
My question ;
Is there something special I need to do to get a custom keytable to work on these builds compared to the other libreelec releases for SMlogic chips ?
I have manualy configured a keytable to use on two of my boxes with a SMLogic S905 chip using community Libreelec 9.0.1 builds and that worked fine.
I now have a MXR4K box with a RK3229 chip in ,
I used your Libreelec9.20 build and got everything to work (including wifi ) thanks for that,
however the standard IR remote will not work.
When I follow the procedure I used on the boxes with the S905 chips everything seems to work I can get the button code's ,
but than at the part where I need to load the custom keytable by using a command :
ir-keytable -a /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg -s rc0
I simply get nothing (usualy it should say something like deleting keycode , loading xx codes, ... )
when I run
I get this ;
Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event3) with:
Name: gpio_ir_recv
Driver: gpio_ir_recv, table: rc-rktvbox
lirc device: /dev/lirc0
Supported protocols: lirc rc-5 rc-5-sz jvc sony nec sanyo mce_kbd rc-6 sharp xmp imon
Enabled protocols: lirc nec
bus: 25, vendor/product: 0001:0001, version: 0x0100
Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms
Is there something else I need to do with the rockchip builds ??
Any help is much appreciated.
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The best way to do that, is putting the right remote.conf file in the root of the LIBREELEC partition. This always worked for me in LibreELEC or CoreELEC distros, and worked too with this compilation of LibreELEC.
Also i tried the image based on the mainline kernel (9.80) with my V88 4k, and is powering on, but the system doesn't boot. Is reporting a problem mounting a partition (discarded problems of bad SD, bad flashing or bad UUIDs). 9.20 (succesfully compiled by myself) is working fine. Maybe i'll give a try compiling the 9.80 and see what happens.
By other way, i was trying to compile emulationstation and retroarch (my idea is creating an addon like EmuELEC addon). Also i tried to compile EmuELEC and RetroELEC for my V88 4K box (RK3229) using knaerzche fork. I get EmuELEC compiled, and booting, but not starting EmulationStation. With RetroELEC, still have some troubles to get compiled (i'm still fighting with that xD)... I read someone in this thread was working on that, but no news since that...
Also I compiled a EmuELEC distro for RK3328 (u-boot=box), but i can't test it. If someone is interested, i can upload the image.
Maybe someone has clues about compiling EmulationStation and retroarch correctly for Rockchip devices, maybe my problem is related to the video library, or need some patches.
If this is not the rigth place to talk about that, i could make a thread about that.
Finally i get compiled succesfully Lakka, and I made a custom distro merging LibreELEC with Lakka and other stuff, and lots of patches... xD Now I get ES working at 99% (without sound, but for me it's not a problem) and RetroArch at 100%. Also working HDMI and AV ports with sound (i made a script to configure RA sound output automatically depending on what connector is used).
The only problem i have is when using AV port, the video output it's overscanned. In Kodi i can correct the overscan video, but not in EmulationStation or RetroArch... I have to investigate the video output, because it seems the bootargs is not determining the resolution although it's changed...
The AV port is a good feature to use in old TVs and CRTs and the Scishion V88 4K have it, so i'll try to play with the problem... But well, i'm happy with the challenge xD