here my solution to use Librelec as a bridged WIFI access point:
1.Configure a static ip address, gateway for ethernet
(my values, ip-address, gateway
2.Enable tethered and assign a SSID name and password
3. Add the following lines to .config/autostart.sh:
# create a bridge interface with name br0
ip link add name br0 type bridge
ip link set br0 up
# assign eth0 to the bridge
ip link set eth0 up
ip link set eth0 master br0
# move ip address to br0 (replace with your own ip address)
ip addr del dev eth0
ip addr add dev br0
# make sure we have an internet gateway (replace ip address with your own)
route add -net default gw
# assign wlan0 to the bridge
ip link set wlan0 master br0