Posts by bigfoot321

    Oh, that is a good hint! I tried to connect the usb sound adapter to a standalone 5V powered usb hub, which is connected to the RPI3, but no luck there.

    I will try to downgrade to an older release eventually to see if the adapter is detected there again, so I can rule out any hardware fault. The fork could be worth a try, too. Must see if I have the time to play with it in the next weeks.

    Other than that, any more ideas, or knowledge if a specific driver or hardware support was dropped between the releases? :)

    Hi everybody, just updated from 9.2.0 to 9.2.4. Had some problems with librespot (missing dependency), but that worked out now.

    Using RPI3 as hardware. Sound is fine with HDMI. But in 9.2.0 I just used the HiFimeDIY Audio SA9023 USB Audio as primary output. And if I recall it correct, I could just select this device as main output device in the System options of Kodi and had to do nothing via SSH.

    But with 9.2.4 I do not have a chance to get the sound working. Has anything changed? I read the blogposts, but came across nothing. Spent the last 3 hours searching the net... but had no luck :/.

    I am a bit into Linux, but not so much into drivers/sound. So dmesg states it finds the device:

    [    2.053780] hid-generic 0003:262A:10E0.0001: No inputs registered, leaving
    [    2.053993] hid-generic 0003:262A:10E0.0001: hidraw0: USB HID v1.00 Device [HiFimeDIY Audio SA9023 USB Audio] on usb-3f980000.usb-1.2/input0

    But lsusb -t does not show any driver:

    |__ Port 2: Dev 4, If 0, Class=H uman Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 12M
    |__ Port 2: Dev 4, If 3, Class=Audio, Driver=, 12M
    |__ Port 2: Dev 4, If 1, Class=Audio, Driver=, 12M

    I found some other forum entry, who is using the same chipset I guess: Sabre USB DAC SA9023 problem - Raspberry Pi Forums

    So I thought I had to manually load snd-usb-audio. modprobe snd-usb-audio is just not working:

    modprobe: FATAL: Module snd-usb-audio not found in directory /lib/modules/4.19.83

    So I stumbled upon the wiki Raspberry Pi Config.txt [] and tried some dtparam and dtoverlay entries in config.txt - no luck either.

    Is there an readme or something else, when to use which overlay?

    pactl list does not show my device either, but only the default Kodi ones, but guess this is because the driver is not loaded.

    Soooo, has anyone a clue or tip for me? I am stuck now ^^.

    Or anything else I can provide? The kodi.log seems fine, journalctl just keeps informing me with this:

    Aug 25 18:00:41 libreelec pulseaudio[432]: W: [pulseaudio] sap.c: sendmsg() failed: Connection refused