Posts by Elspudy

    Did you install the VNC addon?

    the screen shot is from hdmi.

    Did you install the VNC addon?

    nope. i was looking into that when i found out the screen was like that.

    9.2.4 is the most recent LE version. You can copy it into the update folder, and reboot to install it.

    To do so, you can login by SSH, and use wget to copy into the update folder. Or remove the microSD, and copy on your PC.

    Hopefully the bug disappears after the update.

    done, but still garbledoIQmUDL.png

    hello , i was looking at ways to vnc into my raspberry pi 3 running libreelec but i saw the screen looks garbled , if i reboot the pi, any screen uptil the kodi logo looks fine the kodi screen looks like a checkerboard, any ideas on how to fix this before i format? running LibreELEC (official): 9.2.3 (RPi2.arm), i've tried changing resolutions but that look the same
