I'm running on a pi 4, with my media on a NAS mounted via NFS. Until a few weeks ago, it was connected by LAN (using home plugs), and was rock solid, but now I'm connected over WiFi. Occasionally (maybe once in 5h playback or so) playback just freezes: if I skip back and forward it usually starts again. HD streams don't seem to be more / less affected than SD, so I don't think bandwidth is the issue. It usually happens in the first 5 minutes of a stream, I think.
This is the section of the kodi.log that I think is relevant: let me know if you'd like to see the whole thing.
Anyone else seen this?
2020-08-12 20:16:03.849 T:3012022880 NOTICE: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: nfs://nasipaddress/volume1/mycoolmovie.m4v
2020-08-12 20:16:03.851 T:2519847792 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
2020-08-12 20:16:04.010 T:2519847792 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
2020-08-12 20:16:07.081 T:2519847792 NOTICE: Opening stream: 0 source: 256
2020-08-12 20:16:07.081 T:2519847792 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 27
2020-08-12 20:16:07.092 T:2519847792 NOTICE: Creating video thread
2020-08-12 20:16:07.092 T:2593760112 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
2020-08-12 20:16:07.092 T:2519847792 NOTICE: Opening stream: 1 source: 256
2020-08-12 20:16:07.093 T:2519847792 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86018
2020-08-12 20:16:07.095 T:2519847792 NOTICE: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder aac
2020-08-12 20:16:07.095 T:2519847792 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
2020-08-12 20:16:07.095 T:2459120496 NOTICE: running thread: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process()
2020-08-12 20:16:07.106 T:2459120496 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86018, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)
2020-08-12 20:16:07.643 T:2593760112 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
2020-08-12 20:18:56.354 T:2459120496 NOTICE: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled
2020-08-12 20:19:20.592 T:2989450096 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -23954.723655