Posts by shadowownz

    Hey there!! I need to troubleshoot the lack of USB boot on my pi3b with LE. I have a usb (prolific 2303) to serial and it's working fine with raspbian but for the life of me, i cannot figure it out why it doesnt work with LE...I get no prompt connectons: usb GND, TX,RX -> RPI pin 14, 10 and 8 respectively. I tried adding the enable_uart=1 to /boot/config, tried dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt and nothing...i even tried copying out the raspbian changes after enabling serial console (via raspi-config), that means the enable_uart and the console=serial0,115200 and still nothing.

    Anyone has a clue on how to connect the Pi3B via UART?? What am i missing?

    Thanks in advance!