Posts by te36

    Thanks, chewitt.

    Some thoughts:

    I always considered solutions like LE to be ideal for older hardware, because it avoids unnecessary resource consumption. Of course, it does not make sense to invest testing cycles only into the combinations most used by the community.

    Latest debian runs fine on the card, aka: nouveau works fine.

    Independent of the graphics card: What is the APIs required by LE 10 / Kodi 19, and does Nouveau support them ? Do you think support for that API in Nouveau depends on the graphics card ?

    I am just curious, i had no plan to use this for production. Just somewhat sad that old hardware is obsoleted this way. I kept the 7300 LE as the last NVidia generation with full analog HD output signal (if i remember correctly).

    I tried to install LE on a PC with an old GeForce 7300 LE. With LE 7.0 it runs fine, from 8.2 on and higher, i just get an "Xorg server failed to start" from LE. When i replace the 7300 LE with a GeForce 635 TI b o o s t (*) all versions up to latest 9.2.x seem to work fine.

    Is this expected ?

    If yes, then why ? This would be something i would expect if LE was using the NVidia proprietary driver because that one was dropping support for older cards, but given how other distro's i use (e.g.: debian) say those drivers can not be included, i was expecting for LE to use Nouveau. But i could not find documentation for what it uses.

    If not, then how would i debug this (URL would help). Couldn't figure out how to get to any form of debug, look at xorg.log (new to LE).

    (*) The message contains censored words: b o o s t.